Bulletin Spécial du NICAP

Le bulletin d'origine
Le bulletin d'origine

IMPORTANT ADDITIONS TO NICAP BOARD and SPECIAL ADVISORS PANEL to be announced soon; also a prominent citizen to succeed Admiral D. S. Fahrney, forced by his wife's illness and his heavy business pressures to withdraw as chairman. Admiral Fahrney states : "I will continue an interested member of the organization."

RUMOR NAVY FORCED FAHRNEY TO QUITE, reported by some NICAP members, refuted by a telegram to Major D. E. Keyhoe, Director: "I sincerely believe that serious, factual investigations by NICAP should continue and I have faith in your leadership to carry out this program. Also, I am under no compulsion to resign, this being due solely to personal reasons. Best wishes for the success of NICAP. (Signed) Admiral Delmer S. Fahrney, USN, Ret."

HEAD OF NACA BACKS DOWN ON FLYING SAUCER CLAIM. On March 14 Dr. Hugh Dryden, Director National Advisory Committee fo Aeronautics, was publicly quoted: "Flying saucers do not exist." In answer Director Keyhoe wrote Dr. Dryden: "If you can provide absolute proof that UFO's are non-existent, I shall request the Board to dissolve this Committee at once."

In reply Dr. Dryden said he had denied reports that the Nazis had a flying saucer in en . (Keyhoe had already denied this story.) Next day, interviewed by WIP Philadelphia, Dr. Dryden was asked if important information on other flying saucer possibilities was withheld by the Government. Dr. Dryden: "No comment." In a second NICAP letter he was asked if he still denied existence of all flying saucers, or merely the German rumor. Replying by telegram, Dr. Dryden flatly refused to answer.

NEW, IMPORTANT INFORMATION—now being included in first issue of NICAP magazine—is reason for advance of mailing date. This issue will contain: Dramatic inside stories on recent UFO sightings, with details kept from the press. New documentary proof of censorship. A revolutionary plan to reveal the mass of UFO sighting reports and other official information now withheld from the public. Special reports on important unpublished sightings, revealed to NICAP by commercial, private and armed forces pilots, airport tower operators and other reputable observers—including cases where witnesses were ordered or requested not to talk.

In addition to important news items, the No. 1 issue will fully report on NICAP operations, affiliation with existing UFO groups, setting up new NICAP clubs and local evaluation units. Questions asked by NICAP members will be answered, either in specific articles or in a special department answering questions of wide interest to members and prospective members. Although we are still short of editorial help, we expect to mail the magazine the first week in May and thereafter on a precise monthly schedule. (All memberships now in effect will be extended to cover a one-year period and twelve issues of the magazine.)

MANY MEMBERS ARE SENDING NICAP NAMES OF PROSPECTS. Make yourself a Membership Committee of One and extend to your friends the invitation to join NICAP. Send us list of names !

Meantime, I with to thank you for your patience and the help you are giving us by sending items for this first issue. I believe you will find it well worth the enforced delay. Sincerely,