Section 1

Section 1a

Aucun journal n'avait encore sécurisé la vérité derrière l'opération connue comme Alternative 3. Les enquêtes de journalistes avaient été bloquées - par les gouvernements des deux côtés du rideau de fer. L'Amérique et la Russie sont ruthlessly obsédés par la volonté de garder leur secret commun et cette obsession, comme nous pouvons maintenant le prouver, les a rendus complices de meurtre.

Cependant, en dépit de cette sécurité intensive, des fragments d'information ont été rendus publics. Ils sont souvent diffusés par inadvertance - par des experts qui n'évaluent pas leur sinistre signification - et ces fragments, isolés, ne signifient pas grand-chose. Mais une fois rassemblés jigsawed, ils forment une structure définie - une struture qui semble appuyer l'énormité de cette conspiration du silence.

le , le Daily Mirror publia cette histoire :

Le président Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter a rejoint les rangs des témoins d'ovnis. Il a envoyé 2 rapports écrits indiquant qu'il avait vu une soucoupe volante lorsqu'il était Gouverneur de Georgie.

Le Président a écarté l'incident depuis, craignant peut-être que les électeurs puissent être circonspects quant aux soucoupes volantes.

Mais on a signalé l'avoir entendu dire après l'"observation" : "Je ne ris plus des gens lorsqu'ils disent avoir vu des ovnis parce que j'en ai vu un moi-même.

CarterJimmy Carter décrivit son ovni comme ceci : "Lumineux, non solide, d'abord bleuâtre, puis rougeâtre... il sembla se déplacer depuis un endroit vers nous, s'arrêta, puis partit au loin en partie.

Carter remplit deux rapports sur l'observation en , un à l'International UFO Bureau et l'autre au National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.

Heydon Hewes, qui dirige l'International UFO Bureau depuis chez lui à Oklahoma City, fait des discours faisant l'éloge de l'"ouverture d'esprit" du Président.

Mais durant la campagne présidentielle l'année dernière CarterJimmy Carter fut prudent. Il admit avoir vu une lumière dans le ciel, mais refusa de l'appeler ovni.

Il plaisanta : "Je pense que c'était une lumière me désignant pour me présenter aux élections primaires de Californie.

Pourquoi ce changement dans l'attitude de Carter ? Parce que, alors, il avait été briefé sur Alternative 3 ?

Un sondage Gallup de en montra que 5 millions d'Américains dont quelques pilotes de lignes très expérimentés - déclaraient avoir vu des Soucoupes Volantes. Le pilote de chasse Thomas MantellThomas Francis Mantell avait déjà trouvé la mort en pourchassant un au-dessus du Kentucky - son appareil F.51 s'étant désintégré in the violent wash of his quarry's engines. L'U.S. Air Force, reluctantly bowing to mounting pressure, demanda au docteur Edward U. Condon, un professeur d'astrophysique, de diriger une équipe d'enquête à l'Université du Colorado.

Le budget de Condon fut de 500 000 $. Peu avant que son rapport paraisse en , cette histoire apparut dans le London Evening Standard :

L'étude Condon fait les titres - mais que pour des mauvaises raisons. Elle perd de ses membres outstanding, dans des circonstances pour le moins mystérieuses. Des rumeurs sinistres circulent... au moins 4 personnes-clés ont disparu de l'équipe Condon sans donner de raison satisfaisante pour leur départ.

L'histoire complète derrière ces événements étranges au Colorado est difficile à décrypter. Mais un indice, au moins, peut être trouvé dans les déclarations récentes du docteur James McDonald, le physicien sénior de l'Institut de Physique Atmosphérique de l'Université de l'Arizona et largement respecté dans son domaine.

Lors d'une conversation téléphonique wary, but ominous cette semaine, le docteur McDonald me dit qu'il était "most distressed.

La page 1485 du rapport Condon nie l'existence des Soucoupes Volantes et un panel de l'Académie des Sciences Nationale Américaine endorsed la conclusion que "une étude plus avancée n'est probablement pas justifiée.

Mais, curieusement, l'enquêteur adjoint principal de Condon, le docteur David Saunders, n'a pas contribué d'un mot au rapport. Et le , le Daily Telegraph cite le docteur Saunders commentant le rapport : "On ne peut le considérer que comme du réchauffé. Peu importe sa taille, ce qu'il inclut, la manière dont cela est tourné, ou quelles sont ses recommandations, il lui manquera toujours la crédibilité nécessaire.

Il y avait déjà des suspicions répandues sur le fait que l'enquête Condon faisait partie d'une couverture officielle, que le gouvernement connaissait la vérité, mais était déterminée à la conserver hors de portée du public. Nous savons aujourd'hui que ces suspicions était exactes. Et que le secret était entièrement dû à l'Alternative 3.

Seulement quelques mois après que le docteur SaundersDavid R. Saunders a fait sa déclaration "cold stew" un journaliste du Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch embarrassa la National Aeronautics and Space Agency en photographiant un appareil étrange - ressemblant exactement à une soucoupe volante - au site d'essais de missiles de White Sands dans le Nouveau-Mexique.

Au début personne de la NASA n'aurait parlé au sujet de cet appareil circulaire mystérieux, de 15 pieds de diamètre, qui se trouvait dans le "missile graveyard" - une section de la zone où la plupart des véhicules expérimentaux finissaient par être relégués.

Mais la compagnie Martin Marietta de Denver, où il avait été construit, admit avoir conçu quelques modèles, certains avec 10 et 12 moteurs. Et un représentant de la NASA, face à cette information, indiqua : En fait les ingénieurs ont pris l'habitude de l'appeler "la soucoupe volante". Cela confirme une déclaration faite par le docteur Garry Henderson, un scientifique de pointe dans la recherche spatiale : Tous nos astronautes ont vu ces objets, mais ont reçu l'ordre de ne parler de leur découverte avec personne.

Section 1b

Otto Binder était un membre de l'équipe spatiale de la NASA. Il déclara que la NASA avait "tué" des portions significatives de conversations entre le contrôle de Mission et Apollo 11 - le vaisseau spatial qui emmena Buzz AldrinEdwin Eugene Aldrin et Neil A. ArmstrongNeil A. Armstrong sur la Lune - et que ces portions avaient été effacées de l'enregistrement officiel : Certaines sources dotées de leurs propres dispositifs de réception VHF qui contournaient les outlets de diffusions de la NASA déclarent qu'il y eut une portion du dialogue Terre-Lune qui fut rapidement coupée par l'équipe de surveillance de la NASA.

Binder ajoute : C'était a priori lorsque les deux marcheurs sur la Lune, AldrinEdwin Eugene Aldrin et ArmstrongNeil A. Armstrong, faisaient the rounds à quelque distance du LEM et que Armstrong pris le bras de Aldrin avec excitation et s'exclama - "Qu'est-ce que c'était ? Bon dieu qu'est-ce que c'était ? C'est tout ce que je veux savoir.

C'est alors que, d'après Binder, eut lieu cet échange :

contrôle de mission : Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?... malfunction (garble)... contrôle de Mission appelle Apollo 11...

Apollo 11 : Ces bébés sont énormes, monsieur... gigantesques... ...Oh, mon dieu vous ne le croiriez pas !... Je vous le dis il y a d'autres vaisseaux spatiaux par ici... alignés sur le côté éloigné du bord du cratère... ils sont sur la Lune à nous observer...

La NASA, comme on peut le comprendre, ne confirma jamais l'histoire de Binder mais Buzz AldrinEdwin Eugene Aldrin was soon complaining bitterly about the Agency having used him as a "traveling salesman." And two years after his Moon mission, following reported bouts of heavy drinking, he was admitted to hospital with "emotional depression."

"Traveling salesman".... that's an odd choice of words, isn't it? What, in Aldrin's view, were the NASA authorities trying to sell? And to whom? Could it be that they were using him, and others like him, to sell their official version of the truth to ordinary people right across the world?

Was AldrinEdwin Eugene Aldrin's Moon walk one of those great spectaculars, presented with maximum publicity, to justify the billions being poured into space research? Was it part of the American - Russian cover for Alternative 3?

All men who have traveled to the Moon have given indications of knowing about Alternative 3 - and of the reasons which precipitated it.

en , James Irwin - officiellement le 6ème homme à marcher sur la Lune - démissionna pour devenir missionaire Baptiste. Il déclara alors : Le vol fit de moi une personne plus profondément religieuse et plus bienveillamment consciente de la nature fragile de notre planète.

Edgar Mitchell, qui allunit sur la Lune avec la mission Apollo 14 en en , démissionna également en Mai 1972 - pour se consacrer à la parapsychologie. Plus tard, aux siège de son Institut pour les Sciences Noétiques près de San Francisco, il décrivit ce qu'était de regarder ce monde depuis la Lune : I went into a very deep pathos, une sorte d'angoisse. Cette planète incroyablement belle qu'était la Terre... un endroit pas plus grand que mon pouce constituait mon foyer... un joyau bleu et blanc sur un ciel de velour noir... était en train d'être détruite. Et le , il fut cité dans le Daily Express déclarant que la société n'avait que 3 issues et que la 3ᵉ était la plus viable, mais la plus difficile des alternatives.

Another of the Apollo Moon - walkers, Bob Grodin, was equally specific when interviewed by the Sceptre Television reporter on le : You think they need all that crap down in Florida just to put two guys up there on a...on a bicycle? The hell they do! You know why they need us? So they've got a P.R. story for all that hardware they've been firing into space. We're nothing, man! Nothing!

On July 11, 1977, the Los Angeles Times came near to the heart of the matter - nearer than any other newspaper - when it published a remarkable interview with Dr. Gerard O'Neill. Dr. O'Neill is a Princeton professor who served, during a 1976 sabbatical, as Professor of Aerospace at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and who gets nearly 500000 $ each year in research grants from NASA. Here is a section from that article:

The United Nations, he says, has conservatively estimated that the world's population, now more than 4 billion people, will grow to about 6.5 billion by the year en . Today, he adds, about 30% of the worlds population is in developed nations. But, because most of the projected population growth will be in underdeveloped countries, that will drop to 22% by the end of the century. The world of en will be poorer and hungrier than the world today, he says.

Dr. O'Neill also explained the problems caused by the earths 4,000 mile atmospheric layer but - presumably because the article was a comparatively short one - he was not quoted on the additional threat posed by the notorious "greenhouse" syndrome.

His solution? He called it Island 3. And he added: There's really no debate about the technology involved in doing it. That's been confirmed by NASA's top people.

But Dr. O'Neill, a family man with tree children who likes to fly sailplanes in his spare time, did not realize that he was slightly off-target. He was right, of course, about the technology. But he knew nothing of the political ramifications and he would have been astounded to learn that NASA was feeding his research to the Russians.

Even eminent political specialists, as respected in their sphere as Dr. O'Neill is in his own, have been puzzled by an undercurrent they have detected in East -West relationships. Professor G. Gordin Broadbent, director of the independently - financed Institute of Political Studies in London and author of a major study of U.S. - Soviet diplomacy since the 1950s, emphasized that fact on June 20, 1977, when he was interviewed on Sceptre Television: On the broader issue of Soviet - U.S. relations, I must admit there is an element of mystery which troubles many people in my field." He Added: "What we're suggesting is that, at the very highest levels of East - West diplomacy, there has been operating a factor of which we know nothing. Now it could just be - and I stress the word "could" - that this unknown factor is some kind of massive but covert operation in space.But as for the reasons behind it...we are not in the business of speculation.

Washington's acute discomfort over O'Neill's revelations through the Los Angeles Times can be assessed by the urgency with which a "suppression" Bill was rushed to the Statute Book. On July 27,1977 - only sixteen days after the publication of the O'Neill interview - columnist Jerry Campbell reported in the London Evening Standard that the Bill would become law that September. He wrote:

It prohibits the publishing of an official report without permission, arguing that this obstructs the Government's control of its own information. That wasprecisely the charge brought against Daniel Ellsberg for giving the Pentagon papers to the New York Times. Most ominous of all, the Bill would make it a crime for any present or former civil servant to tell the Press of Government wrong - doing or pass on any news based on information "submitted to the Government in private."

Campbell pointed out that this final clause has given serious pain to guardians of American Press freedom because it creates a brand new crime. Particularly as there was provision in the Bill for offending journalists to be sent to prison for up to six years.

We subsequently discovered that a man called Harman -Leonard Harman - read that item in the newspaper and that later, in a certain television executives' dining-room , he expressed regret that a similar Law had not been passed earlier by the British government. He was eating treacle tart with custard at the time and he reflected wistfully that he could then have insisted on such a Law being obeyed. That, when it came to Alternative 3, would have saved him from a great deal of trouble...

He had chosen treacle tart, not because he particularly liked it, but because it was 2p cheaper than the chocolate sponge. That was typical of Harman.

He was one of the people, as you may have learned already through the Press, who tried to interfere with the publication of this book. We will later be presenting some of the letters received by us from him and his lawyers -together with the replies from our legal advisers. We decided to print these letters in order to give you a thorough insight into our investigation for it is important to stress that we, like Professor Broadbent, are not in the "business of speculation.

We are interested only in the facts. And it is intriguing to note the pattern of facts relating to astronaut who have been on Moon missions - and who have therefore been exposed to some of the surprises presented by Alternative 3. A number, undermined by the strain of being party to such a horrendous secret, suffered nervous or mental collapses. A high percentage sought sanctuary in excessive drinking or in extra marital affairs which destroyed what had been secure and successful marriages. Yet these were men originally picked from many thousands precisely because of their stability. Their training and experience, intelligence and physical fitness - all these, of course, were prime considerations in their selection. But the supremely important quality was their balanced temperament.

It would need something stupendous, something almost unimaginable to most people, to flip such men into dramatic personality changes. That something, we have now established, was Alternative 3 and, perhaps more particularly, the nightmarish obscenities involved in the development and perfection of Alternative 3.

We are not suggesting that the President of the United States has had personal knowledge of the terror and clinical cruelties which have been an integral part of the Operation, for that would make him directly responsible for murders and barbarous mutilations.

We are convinced , in fact, that this is not the case.The President and the Russian leader, together with their immediate subordinates, have been concerned only with the broad sweep of policy. They have acted in unison to ensure what they consider to be the best possible future for mankind. And the day - to - day details have been delegated to high-level professionals.

These professionals, we have now established, have been classifying people selected for the Alternative 3 operation into two categories: those who are picked as individuals and those who merely form part of a "batch consignment." There have been several "batch consignments" and it is the treatment meted out to most of these men and women which provides the greatest cause for outrage.

No matter how desperate the circumstances may be - and we reluctantly recognize that they are extremely desperate - no humane society could tolerate what has been done to the innocent and the gullible. That view, fortunately, was taken by one man who was recruited into the Alternative 3 team three years ago. He was, at first, highly enthusiastic and completely dedicated to the Operation. However, he became revolted by some of the atrocities involved. He did not consider that, even in the prevailing circumstances, they could be justified.

Section 1c

Three days after the transmission of that sensational television documentary, his conscience finally goaded him into action. He knew the appalling risk he was taking, for he was aware of what had happened to others who had betrayed the secrets of Alternative 3, but he made telephone contact with television reporter Colin Benson - and offered to provide Benson with evidence of the most astounding nature.

He was calling, he said, from abroad but he was prepared to travel to London. They met two days later. And he explained to Benson that copies of most orders and memoranda, together with transcripts prepared from tapes of Policy Committee meetings, were filed in triplicate -in Washington, Moscow and Geneva where Alternative 3 had its operational headquarters. The system had been instituted to ensure there was no misunderstanding between the principal partners. He occasionally had access to some of that material - although it was often weeks or even months old before he saw it - and he was willing to supply what he could to Benson. He wanted no money. He merely wanted to alert the public, to help stop the mass atrocities.

Benson's immediate reaction, after he had assessed the value of this offer, was that Scepter should mount a follow - up program - one which would expose the horrors of Alternative 3 in far greater depth. He argued bitterly with his superiors at Sceptre but they were adamant. The company was already in serious trouble with the government and there was some doubt about whether its license would be renewed.

They refused to consider the possibility of doing another programme. They had officially disclaimed the Alternative 3 documentary as a hoax and that was where the matter had to rest. Anyway, they pointed out, this character who'd come forward was probably a nut...

If you saw the documentary, you will probably realize that Benson is a stubborn man. His friends say he is pig-obstinate. They also say he is a first-class investigative journalist.

He was angry about this attempt to suppress the truth and that is why he agreed to co-operate in the preparation of this book. That co-operation has been invaluable.

Through Benson we met the telephone caller who we now refer to as Trojan. And that meeting resulted in our acquiring documents, which we will be presenting, including transcripts of tapes made at the most secret rendezvous in the world - thirty five fathoms beneath the ice cap of the Arctic.

For obvious reasons, we cannot reveal the identity of Trojan. Nor can we give any hint about his function or status in the operation. We are completely satisfied, however, that his credentials are authentic and that, in breaking his oath of silence, he is prompted by the most honorable of motives. He stands in relation to the Alternative 3 conspiracy in much the same position as the anonymous informant "deep Throat" occupied in the Watergate affair.

Most of the "batch consignments' have been taken from the area known as the Bermuda Triangle but numerous other locations have also been used. On October 6, 1975, the Daily Telegraph gave prominence to this story:

The disappearance in bizarre circumstances in the past two weeks of 20 people from small coastal communities in Oregon was being intensively investigated at the weekend amid reports of an imaginative fraud scheme involving a "flying saucer" and hints mass murder.

Sheriff's officers at Newport, Oregon, said that the 20 individuals had vanished without trace after being told to give away all their possessions, including their children, so that they could be transported in a flying saucer "by UFO to a better life".

Deputies under Mr. Ron Sutton, chief criminal investigator in surrounding Lincoln County, have traced the story back to a meeting on September 14 in a resort hotel, the Bayshore Inn at Waldport, Oregon.

Local police have received conflicting reports as to what occurred (at the meeting). But while it is clear that the speaker did not pretend to be from outer space, he told the audience how their souls could be "saved through a UFO".

The hall had been reserved for a fee of $5 by a man and a woman who gave false names. Mr. Sutton said witnesses had described them as "fortyish, well groomed, straight types".

The Telegraph said that selected people would be prepared at a special camp in Colorado for life on another planet and quoted Investigator Sutton as adding:

They were told they would have to give away everything, even their children. I'm checking a report of one family who supposedly gave away a 150-acre farm and three children. "We don't know if it's a fraud or whether these people might be killed. There are all sorts of rumors, including some about human sacrifice and that this is sponsored by the (Charles) Manson family.

Most of the missing 20 were described as being "hippy types" although there were some older people among them. People of this caliber, we have now discovered, have been what is known as "scientifically adjusted" to fit them for a new role as a slave species.

There have been equally strange reports of animals - particularly farm animals - disappearing in large numbers. And occasionally it appears that aspects of the Alternative 3 operation have been bungled, that attempts to lift "batch consignments" of humans or of animals have failed.

le , le Daily Mail - sous le titre Soucoupe volante - apporte cette histoire :

Des hommes portant des masques, utilisant des détecteurs de métal et un compteur Geiger, ont scoured hier une vallée éloignée de Dartmoor dans le but de résoudre un myst�re macabre.

Tout semble être mort au même moment, et la plupart des os ont été inexplicablement shattered. Pour ajouter au riddle, leurs corps se sont décomposés en véritables squelettes en moins de 48 heures.

Les experts en animaux confessent leur stupeur face aux morts de Cherry Brook Valley près de Postbridge.

La recherche d'hier fut menée par des membres du centre sur les Objets Volants Non Identifiés de Devon à Torquay qui tentent de prouver un lien avec l'espace.

Ils pensent que des soucoupes volantes pourraient avoir volé bas au-dessus de cette région et créé un vortex qui hurled the ponies à leur mort.

M. John Wyse, chef de l'équipe de 4 hommes, a déclaré : "Si un vaisseau spatial s'est trouvé dans le voisinage, il devrait en rester quelque preuves détectables. Nous voulons voir s'il y a des signes quelconques que les ponies aient été abattus, mais nos n'avons rien trouvé. Cet incident montre une ressemblance uncanny avec des événements semblables signalés en Amérique.

Le rapport du Mail conclue avec la déclaration d'un représentant de la Société de Protection de la Faune de Dartmoor et de la Société de Protection des Animaux : Quoiqu'il se soit passé, c'était violent. Nous gardons l'esprit ouvert. Je suis fasciné par la théorie OVNI. Il n'y a pas de raison de rejeter cette possibilité puisqu'il n'y a pas d'autre explication rationnelle.

These, then, were typical of the threads which inspired the original television investigation. It needed one person, however, to show how they could be embroidered into a clear picture.

Without the specialist guidance of that person the Sceptre television documentary could never have been produced - and Trojan would never have contacted Colin Benson. And it would have been years, possibly seven years or even longer, before ordinary people started to suspect the devastating truth about this planet on which we live.

That person, of course, is the old man...