Information concerning Mutilation of Livestock in the state of Colorado

Gallager, R. J.: FBI,
Le document d'origine
Le document d'origine Le document d'origine

To: Mr. Adams.

1 - Mr. Adams
1 - Mr. Gallager
1 - Mr. O'Connell
1 - Mr. Cooke
1 - Mr. Sheer
1 - Mr. Powers

In response to a telephone call from Honorable Floyd K. Haskell, United States Senator from Colorado, to the Director 9/11/75, I contacted Senator Haskell telephonically today, 9/12/75.

Senator Haskell indicated his concern for a situation occuring in the western states where cattle have been discovered mutilated. The bizarre mutilations involve loss of left ear, left eye, sex organ, and the blood drained from the carcass with no traces of blood left on the ground and no footprints.

Senator Haskell repeated his request that the FBI enter the investigation. The provisions of the Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle Statute, Title 18, U. S. Code, Section 2311, were explained to him. It was pointed out that there must be an interstate transportation. Senator Haskell said that he had no information that an interstate transportation had occured in any of the cases. He said he felt this was too big for the local authorities, and the FBI with its resources could come to a solution. He said the ranchers are getting considerably worried out there and he felt if the FBI would just enter the investigation it would have a deterrent effect. Our jurisdiction was explained to Senator Haskell and he said that he understood our statutory limitations and inquired as to whether a resolution would give us the necessary investigative jurisdiction.

Senator Haskell was advised that it probably would take a law, whereupon he asked if there were anyone that he could discuss this matter with. He was referred to the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice.

Senator Haskell thanked me for calling him and stated he understood but he wished there was something we could do.

Senator Haskell recontacted me this afternoon and said that he had received a call from Dane Edwards, editor of the paper in Brush, Colorado, who furnished information that U. S. Army helicopters had been seen in the vicinity of where some of the cattle were mutilated and that he, Edwards, had been threatened but Senator Haskell did not know sort of threats Edwards had received or by whom.

He was advised that this information would be furnished to our Denver Office and that Denver would closely follow the situation. Senator Haskell expressed his appreciation.

Inasmuch as Senator Haskell stated he might call the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, John Keeney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, was telephonically advised of my contact with Senator Haskell and he was furnished background information concerning this situation.

The above information was also furnished to SA Jim Bristol, Denver Office. Bristol was instructed to have Mr. Edwards contacted concerning the alleged threats that he has received.


For information.