Effets de Focussing et Interference

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A recent theoretical and experimental investigation of the optical mirage is presented by Sir C. V. Raman (1959). Sir C. V. Raman demonstrates that multiple, inverted images of a single object can arise from interference and focussing of the incident and reflected wavefronts near the boundary of total reflection. Raman's work, which is entirely based on wave theory, suggests the interaction of wavefronts within a refracting layer as a mechanism in mirage formation.

The occurrence of focussing and interference in situations that give rise to mirage, examined specifically by Raman, is also evident from various investigations based on geometrical optics. For example, the crossing of light rays mentioned in connection with image inversion implies interference of wavefronts at the points of intersection.

The visual effects from focussing and interference must be considered in particular when plane-parallel radiation (radiation from a very distant source) is incident on a layer of total reflection. In this case, there is a constant crossing of light rays within a relatively narrow region of the refracting layer, as illustrated in Fig. 12 (for the sake of clarity, height and elevation angles are exaggerated). In Fig. 12, a circular collimated light-beam of diameter A is incident on the lower boundary of a temperature-inversion layer at angle equal to or exceeding the critical angle for total reflection. Interference of the incident and reflected wavefronts occurs in a selected layer near the level of total reflection. This layer, shaded in Fig. 12, has a maximum thickness B, which is dependent on A. In the absence of absorption, the amount of radiant energy, flowing per unit time through Pi·A2 equals that flowing through Pi·B2. When B is less than A, the energy density at B is larger than at A, so that the brightness of the refracted light beam increases in the layer of interference.

Figure 12 - Energie en inversion - Increase in energy density near upper boundary of high-level temperature inversion Mar Obs 45

An example of the ratio of A to B can be Given with the aid of Eq. (3). It is assumed that the optical refractive index through the inversion layer varies from no = 1,00029 à n = 1,00026 according to n2 = no2 - z. When the angle of incidence is near the critical angle for total reflection (Thetao ~ 89.5°), the light rays within the inversion layer are parabolas and the level of total reflection coincides with the upper boundary of the inversion layer. Under these conditions, it can be shown that B/A = A/16H where H is the thickness of the temperature-inversion layer. When the diameter A of the incident light beam is less than 16H, B is less than A and a brightening or focussing occurs near the top of the inversion. When the angle of incidence of the light beam is larger than the critical angle, ~89.5°, the level of total reflection lies below the upper boundary of the inversion layer. In this case, brightening can still occur near the level of total reflection, but the restrictions on the required beam-diameter become rather severe. The above example, based on a special case, demonstrates that sudden brightening can be encountered near the upper boundary of a refracting layer when optical mirages are associated with a refracting layer that is thick with respect to the diameter of the incident light beam from a distant source and when the angle of incidence is near the critical angle.

Observations of the brightening phenomenon must be considered rare in view of the selective location of its occurrence within the temperature-inversion layer and the requirement of plane-parallel incident radiation. Upper-level inversions seem most likely to produce the phenomenon. Some photographs showing apparent brightening of "spike" reflections on the edge of the setting sun are shown in O'Connell (1958, c.f., p. 158).

Figure 13 - Wavefront Diagram - Simplified construction of wavefronts in region of interference and focussing Fig 10

Microscopic effects due to interference of wavefronts within the area of brightening are illustrated in Fig. 13. Wavefronts are indicated rather than light rays. Unless absorption is extremely large, light rays are normal to the wavefront. A train of plane-parallel waves is assumed incident on the lower boundary of a refracting layer in which the refractive-index decreases with height. When the angle of incidence equals the critical angle, the incident waves are refracted upon entering the refracting layer and are totally reflected at the upper boundary The crests and troughs of the waves are indicated by solid lines and dashed lines, respectively. At the upper boundary, the wavefronts of the incident and reflected waves converge to a focus. The focus is called a cusp. The upper boundary of the refracting layer resembles a caustic, i.e., an envelope of the moving cusps of the propagating wavefronts. Because of the focussing of wavefronts, a large concentration of radiant energy is usually found along the caustic (see Raman, 1959). In the area where the incoming and outgoing wavefronts interact, destructive interference is found along AA' and CC' (troughs meeting crests), while constructive interference is found along BB' (incident and reflected waves have similar phase). Hence, brightness variations can be expected in the interference layer, as demonstrated by Sir C. V. Raman (1959). To what extent the microscopic effects from interference and focussing can be observed under actual atmospheric conditions of mirage is not known. Undoubtedly, the proper relation between refracting layer and distant light source must be combined with an observer's position near the upper boundary of the refracting layer. If the dark and bright bands in the area of interference can be observed, the observer could easily get the impression that he is viewing a rapidly oscillating light or a light that is drawing near and moving away at rapid intervals. Nighttime observations by airplane are most likely to provide proper evidence of this effect.

Currently, the focussing and interference effects are the least explored and consequently the least discussed of the various aspects associated with optical mirage.

Home > Rapport Condon > Sommaire > Le contexte scientifique > Mirage optique > Caractéristiques visuelles des phénomènes de réfraction de lumière dans l'atmosphère sans nuages > Caractéristiques du mirage
Fig 10
Mar Obs 45