Petits objets

Ted BloecherTed Bloecher: Ce livre a été reproduit (2005) par Jean Waskiewicz et Francis Ridge avec la permission exclusive de l'auteur et est présenté ici dans sa forme mise à jour en tant que projet en cours. Travaillant en collaboration étroite avec son auteur Ted Bloecher et Jan Aldrich du Projet 1947. Toutes informations ou corrections supplémentaires sont les bienvenues, dans le cadre de cette version mise à jour.,

The preceding case (Case 526) may also fall into this category, if it can be assumed that the news account is correct, and the witness did actually see the object at close range.

Case 50: About June 25, near Connellsville, Pennsylvania

A Poplar Grove housewife, Mrs. G. Edward Hart, watched a formation of 13 small disc-like objects, about the size of breakfast plates, float overhead and hover above an orchard near her home at about 3:00 a.m. EDT. The objects, seen at fairly close range, remained over the orchard for about ten seconds and then slowly moved on, Mrs. Hart said.

Case 255: July 4, Elliott, North Dakota

Virgil Been, a farmer near Elliot, reported having seen a small object about the size and shape of a dinner plate, but green in color, early in the evening over his mother's farm, a mile and a half north­east of Elliott. His mother, Mrs. Glen Been, and his brother, Willard, also saw it as it passed close to the three witnesses, no more than 30 or 40 feet above the ground. It was traveling at a high rate of speed. Been, a Navy veteran, said he had never seen anything in the service that resembled such an object, and added that there was no chance of their having mistaken it for some sort of fireworks.

Case 358: July 5, Pond Lake, Michigan

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fisk, of 42 Delaware Street, Grand Rapids, were camping on Pond Lake when, sometime after dark, they saw a brilliant, dark-red object, approximately eight inches in diameter, proceeding at an altitude of about 200 feet across the lake. They both described the object as zigzagging through the air, dropping once as low as 20 feet above the surface of the lake. It made no noise and both witnesses saw some sort of light on it that flashed on and off several times before the object sailed upward and disappeared from view.

Case 399: July 6, Kansas City, Kansas:

Miss Barbara Mehner, of 2309 South Glenwood Avenue, in the Intercity District, said she was playing baseball on a field near U.S. Highway 24 when a small, grey disc flew around her.

I was facing west when something flew in from the side, she said. It was dark grayish, about five inches across and flying two feet from the ground. It flew around me several times, then flew off south a short distance, came back and circled me three or four more times. Then it disappeared.

Case 501: July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania:

A close-up observation of two small objects was described by Mrs. A. C. Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above the ground. For a period of two minutes, they bobbed about, merged together, and separated, she said, before they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith, the discs were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be saucers of intense light. She did not believe they were solid objects.

Case 603 -- July 7, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:

Eight Gettysburg College couples reported seeing two flights of small objects at low altitude while they were on a Sigma Chi fraternity picnic near the Pennsylvania Monument on the historic battleground. About 3:30 p.m. EDT, five or six small, grey, shiny discs drifted eastward overhead at moderate speed, appearing to roll on edge as they flew. A few minutes later another group of six similar objects flew over in the same direction.

Each time they were traveling in two distinct groups, said Frank Toms, a senior at the College. He estimated the size of the discs at six inches in diameter. They appeared to be at an altitude of about 150 to 200 feet above the ground, he added. Among the witnesses present was Peter John, a sophomore from Camden, New Jersey.