Low-swooping and Car-buzzing Reports

Ted BloecherTed Bloecher: Ce livre a été reproduit (2005) par Jean Waskiewicz et Francis Ridge avec la permission exclusive de l'auteur et est présenté ici dans sa forme mise à jour en tant que projet en cours. Travaillant en collaboration étroite avec son auteur Ted Bloecher et Jan Aldrich du Projet 1947. Toutes informations ou corrections supplémentaires sont les bienvenues, dans le cadre de cette version mise à jour.,

Case 53: June 25, near Pueblo, Colorado

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Lowry, of 3405 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, were returning home by car from a six-week vacation tour. On the afternoon of the 25th, as they drove east near Pueblo, Lowry and his wife suddenly observed a strange missile approaching at a high rate of speed. The object was oval-shaped, seen first at an estimated altitude of 2,000 feet, and descending rapidly toward the observers' car. It swooped down to 500 feet above the car. Following this object was another similar one, approaching on the same course.

We were alarmed, Mr. Lowry reported. As the first one approached, we could see it revolving at tremendous speed on its axis, even faster than its forward flight. As it reached a point just above and ahead of the car, it suddenly veered off sharply to the right, and at the same time its companion did likewise. The objects then disappeared to the south in a matter of seconds. Mr. Lowry hesitated to make known their experience at first because he was afraid it would not be believed.

Case 93: June 28, Appleton, Colorado

H. E. Soule, of the western Colorado farming community of Appleton, told Grand Junction authorities that sometime during the day of June 28 he saw a two-foot disc of non-shiny aluminum color sail out of the northwest sky at an altitude of about 200 feet. The object swooped over his home, narrowly missing the roof, veered eastward and gained altitude quickly as it followed Highway 6 for about a mile, then turned southeast and disappeared from sight. Soule described its speed as amazing, and said he heard no motor sounds nor saw any vapor trail.

Case 163: July 2, near DeKalb, Texas

City and county officials in the Texarkana area began an investigation of reports that numerous residents had seen UFOs in the vicinity of the Texas-Arkansas state line. One of the first sightings was made by Wendell L. Carson, a farmer near DeKalb, at sunset on the evening of July 2. Carson reported that he and his small son watched dumbfounded as a disc swooped noiselessly across his tomato patch at an altitude of 100 feet.

In his report, made the next day, Carson described the disc as roundish, and said it shone like a mirror reflecting the sun. He said that it had been flying very fast, and added that he would have reported it sooner but was convinced he and his son must have been seeing things, until he heard of other reports in the area.

Another DeKalb witness, Mrs. S. G. Nichols, reported independently that she had seen a disc glide over her home at about the same time as Carson's observation.

In another report (Case 350) very similar to Carson's, a farmer in Fayetteville, Arkansas described a low-flying disc that frightened his cattle as it made a brief touch-down landing near his barn, three days later. (See IV-1)

Case 304: July 5, Waterloo, Iowa

J. E. Johnston, of Waterloo, reported that at 1:30 a.m. CST a high-speed object had flown over his home. He described it as a bright, flat object about 12 feet, in diameter (AP reported Johnston's description of its size as that of a dinner plate). The disc was flying about 25 feet above the ground and made a rocket-like, swishing noise as it flew directly over his house at a terrific speed, Johnston said It was too close to the ground to be an airplane. It was a terrible experience he added. It numbed me from head to foot.

Case 853: July 30, Tamarack, Idaho

John E. Ostrom, of Nyssa, Oregon, was driving an Army truck from Council to McCall, Idaho, on Route 95. At 4:00 p.m. MST, in the vicinity of Tamarack, he suddenly saw a small, silver, ball-like object approaching his truck head-on at a downward angle of about 30 degrees. As he instinctively covered his face with his hands, the baseball-sized object glanced off the roof of the cab, just above the windshield.

He brought the truck to a halt several hundred yards down the highway and got out to see what damage had been done. The point of contact was perfectly clear, and the metal of the roof of the cab, just above the windshield, appeared to have been melted as if by some terrific heat. Experts examining the damaged spot later, about the size of a silver dollar, said that it had the appearance of having been welded, but Ostrom denied there had been any welding and insisted that the damage had been done by a small flying object.