New UFO Photos Prove Genuine

The UFO Investigator (published by the NICAP), august-september 1965 (vol. 11), n° 4, p. 1,
Page 1 s1Exeter Part 1 MUFON Case File
Norman Muscarello, Davind Hunt, Eugene Bertrand et le dispatcheur

New photographs proving UFO reality, analyzed by experts, may be the most important evidence in the latest wave of wordwide sightings. One UFO was photgraphed at an Argentine Government scientific base, three more by U.S. and foreign newsmen, and other pictures are being checked.

Pictures of the UFO below, taken Aug. 6 in Beaver County, Pa., were declared genuine by three professional photographers who examined the negatives. (Signed evaluations given to NICAP in a five-day on-the-spot investigation.) Because of the close range (one-fourth mile) these photos have unusual detail.

In the first, the bright spot at the left is the moon. The white mass under the UFO, like, a double exhaust, was invisible to witnesses. (A NICAP technical adviser suggests the film may have recorded a force-field emanation, a clue to the propulsion.) The streak behind and below the disc is believed a trail the UFO left in manoeuvering over the trees.

In the second photo (same negative) the trail and "exhaust" are blacked out to show the disc more clearly.

Following is the detailed report secured by NICAP investigators:
