Strange Objects Sighted Over N. M.

Post-Standard, Syracuse (N.Y.),
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ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. (AP)?More strange sightings in New Mexico skies are keeping authorities busy investigating flying objects.

A man who refused to identify himself because he said he would be laughed at, said he saw a big ball of red flames land Monday night near Las Vegas, N. M. He made no estimate of the size of the ball.

The reports came on the heels of others from points stretching in a more or less straight line from near Caballo Lake south of Truth or Consequences in South-Central New Mexico to an area near Espanola in Northern New Mexico. The first of a series of reports of sightings came Friday.

A 20-year-old youth, Don Adams, from Edgewood, on U. S. 55 east of Alburquerque, told state police he fired a dozen shots at an unidentified flying object shortly after midnight Tuesday.

Newspaper offices and broadcast stations were receiving a few telephone calls about sightings but most callers would not identify themselves, saying they did not want to be ridiculed.

State Police Capt. Martin Virgil investigated a sighting near Espanola. He found the ground still smouldering 20 hours after the sighting. He said rocks in the center of the area were split, a bottle was melted and green brush had been set on fire, evidently by intense heat.

All the reports are similar in that they describe oval or egg-shaped objects with size estimates ranging from the size of a car to about 30 feet or longer. State police and military officials have confirmed finding scorched earth at the sites, and wedge-shaped depressions that officers say appear to have been (...)