Letter from doctor Olavo Fontès to APRO

Olavo T. FontèsOlavo T. Fontès: APRO,

Cette lettre d'Olavo Fontès adressée au représentant de l'APRO en Arizona, datée du 27 février 1958 donnera une idée précise de la situation au Brésil à cette époque. Les faits relatés par ses 2 visiteurs militaires ne sont pas forcément exacts dans la mesure où ils ne sont pas de première main, mais proviennent des services secrets américains. Ces derniers ne semblent pas avoir toujours fait preuve d'une franchise parfaite, même avec leurs alliés. Cependant, un certain nombre de faits mentionnés dans ce document, amplement vérifiés depuis, ne pouvaient pas être connus du docteur Fontès, qui par ailleurs, semble avoir été un parfait honnête homme.

Dear Coral :

I am going to tell you in this letter the facts related with the startling information reported at the end of my last letter concerning the secret truth about flying saucers. But first I want you to understand that, in spite of the knowledge you are going to have about the UAO-problem, I believe our task and purposes must be the same we had before. We are part of free peoples. Knowledge of secret information concealed by Governments and Armed Forces of our countries is not enough, in my opinion, to satisfy ourselves when this information is hidden from the people – the one who have the right to know about it. We have no justification to freeze our lips, like Russians peasants at the sight of a commissar, accepting reasons derived from the empty and meaningless judgement of anonymous intelligence officers. They, these faceless creatures who have usurped our rights, cannot be permitted to have a free hand on matters so important for our future – for all of us.

Secrecy is something which does not breed security but fear. I have not the slightest interest in what the military might say about this. They do not report anything to us, the people, but to theirs commanders – who report to nobody (the President of Brazil, for example, knows very little about the whole matter ; the same can be said regarding civilian authorities and scientists, at least in my country). Is this the right thing? Can the military take decisions that may affect the future of the whole humankind? Can they be trusted to be given the whole responsibility on UAO-matters? Obviously not. At least in free countries on this side of the Iron Curtain. So, we have to continue our fight against the censors at any cost. Our Mg will be a powerful weapon against their vicious tactics to conceal the truth. You do not realize, Coral, how much of my hopes are concentrated on your book. I am going to get the credit for the Mg story, thanks to your wonderful integrity (I cannot tell you how very grateful I am). But even that it was not so (if I had not loyal and sincere friends like you, like Jim, like our chemist at Holloman and APRO members who already know), I think that my material still would be given to help. As you and Horacio Gonzales have done, giving your information to Keyhoe who used it in an unethical way. It is funny but I never thought that you might be like him. I trusted you and your group from the very first and decided to send my samples for APRO since the beginning. The possibility of sending them to Keyhoe and NICAP was never considered. I am not disappointed. You were the right people and we are going to get the credit together, Coral. Please, do it so. There is a part for you, too, and I feel you should get it.

Your decision to send the Mg samples to that theoretical physicist was a wise one. If they publicly state that they found the stuff to be extra-terrestrial, we are with our case closed. There is, however, a danger – he will attempt to interest a sufficient number of scientists in it. If one of these scientists already knows the truth, we are lost?

He will report the matter to the authorities immediately and our friend will be put under security restrictions at once. Of course, if no report about the tests is released we will understand what happened. But I fear something worse : a false statement forced by the censors – to distort the truth and to send us in the wrong way. Because of this possibility, we have to take measures to avoid it. So, if they say that the Mg is not extra-terrestrial, or that they didn't find enough evidence to be sure it is, we cannot take such kind of report without a check. The only thing we have to do is to repeat the analysis at some other place. A mass spectrography could be done, for example, through Lex Mebane. He is a chemist, you know, and does not work for the Government. I might send the sample. Another thing you can do is to alert our physicist to be careful in choosing the other scientists ; and to give us a warning (using a code word previously selected) that something is wrong. Can you do this ? Please, do not think I am seeing ghosts in the air. I didn't understand very much in the past the careful measures you had taken to avoid censors' interference with some of your letters (for me). I know now that you were right – anything can happen.

Thank you for the kind words you used in your letter about myself. It seems that you are thinking I am better than many people. Thanks again, but you are wrong : I have my limitations, too. I know it?

Dr. Maffei was finally found by Auriphebo Simoes just two days ago. The Campinas incident shall be clarified now, I believe. At least I hope so. I will keep you informed about the subject.

So was Mr. Cleto Nunes at first sight. He seemed to have no hurry to discuss the matters that had brought him to my presence. Chatting casually about seemingly trivial, unrelated UAO-topics, we gradually relaxed (Martins and I) and because more expansive. Then Nunes became more friendly and began to explain why he was interested on flying saucers. He said the following : "I am interested since 1949 when I saw a flying saucer coming out from the deeps of the sea (?), climb up through the air at high speed and disappear in a few seconds on the horizon. I saw enough of it to know it was an alien craft of some new type. As I have a brother in the Air Force, I wrote a full account of my experience and gave it to him. He delivered it to the authorities who called me for a personal report. It seems that my sighting was one of the first in Brazil and obviously attracted much curiosity. I had become curious too, and – since that occasion – I am trying to follow the AF investigations on the field. N 1952, I knew about Adamski's first book and go it. It impressed me deeply and enlarged my interest on UFOs, chiefly about "contact-cases" – which I began to investigate particularly. I have already many such cases in my files and I am convinced that, although different in some aspects, all of them share the same general characteristics. These similarities are enough, in my opinion, to prove they are true. But now you came, my dear fellows, with your hostility theory. I was disturbed because I knew you were wrong. So, I decided to meet you and I am going to prove that UFOs are friendly. You may try to prove it otherwise – if you can."

This opening was totally unexpected for us. We had imagined something very different. So, the "mysterious" Mr. Nunes was one more "believer", a kind of flying saucer cultist. I remembered that I had, at that moment, an impulse to finish the talk and him to go away. Martins seemed also to be worried. But the man had been so courteous and pleasant that we had no choice. At least he was not a mystic and we could try a scientifical approach to the problem. And so it was done. We talked freely for twenty minutes.

Then Nunes made his mistake. It was a question he asked: "What proof you have of UFO hostility against Brazilian airplanes ? Do you know about some case of aircraft crash, here, caused by a flying saucer ? Have you any direct evidence, or have you only theories ?"

It was a direct question. I looked at his face and noted with surprise that a fine spotting of moisture brightened his upper lip. Only then did I recognize the strain and effort he had invested into the attempt to convince us. There was also a slight tremor in his fingers that only as a doctor I was able to see. Under that relaxed appearance he was very tense and excited. Why ? There could be only an answer : he was a mind-prober, playing a skilled game to make us confident and then take advantage to win our defenses.

He win the first play.

Gradually I let my body relax, wondering about the next move. He had already heard all our arguments regarding the pattern outlined through the UAO's reconnaissance of our planet. He also knew about one case of hostility (in our opinion) : the crash of the Pan-America "President" in the middle of amazonic forest, in 1952, destroyed by an explosion of unknown origin. We had told him about the conclusions of the technicians that searched the wreckage of the airliner (which had not been published). But only that?

As a physician I had to learn the ways to get through people's psychological defenses, to explore the deep-down motives of psycho-somatic illness and find the hidden psychic conflicts that cause so many functional symptoms. All doctors, to make a complete study of their patients, have to know how to examine their bodies and how to probe their minds, too. Mind and body are not two differents entities, but two poles of the same unit – the pacient. I was sure that such a training would be great help in a situation like that. I also knew that in a game of that kind with so many things to be considered, each with a different value – in fact one set of values for offense, and another for defense – only a brilliant player could keep them all in mind (if he knew about his opponent alertness, of course). Not knowing about my plans to play the same game against him, Nunes would be unable to cope with a concealed offensive strategy. It would be easy to defeat him, I concluded.

I was right.

He began to give, unknowingly, the answers we needed to confirm many things we had already guessed. He did not suspected that, disguised as statements, very important questions were presented together with casual or unimportant ones, every time there was an opportunity to do so. The following will give a better picture of the game :

"Q. What the Air Force doesn't know : on the same night of the "President" disaster a solitary UFO was sighted in the same region, at least from one town very close to the route it traveling (the airliner). See this telegram from Dores do Indaia, Minas Gerais. What do you think about this ? (I showed him the telegram)

"A. We already know about it. The Air Force received many reports from different places about this UFO, described as "a bright-red fireball with erratic maneuvers". But such a thing doesn't prove your point. No one witnessed any hostile maneuver against the plane ; at least there was no reports about it.

(I agreed with him. The ones that might have witnessed the scene were dead and couldn't report anything. They were the passengers and crew of the airliner, killed in the crash)

"Q. You said that US Armed Forces are not interested on flying saucers and even don't believe in their existence. On the other side, American officers from the American

Military Mission had been seen (together with Brazilian officers) in the investigation of several November's military sightings. Perhaps you don't know about it, but I can show you at least three such cases. How do you explain that ?

"A. Yes, I know about the fact. They are really very interested on our sightings. I can't explain it. Maybe they are doing a personal investigation : maybe they like it as a "hobby" – a good thing to do when you are in a foreign country. What counts, in fact, is the official attitude of US Air Force. This is my opinion."

We talked for three hours. Mr. Cleto Nunes answered many questions like the ones above. I had to give him some information too, of course, to keep him relaxed and interested – but nothing really important. From what he said, it became apparent that he had followed the AF investigation of the more important military sightings in the 1954 "flap" ; that he knew personally many of the witnesses : that he had many "friends", many "fellows", who had investigated "this case", "that incident", etc, etc. : that he had been present at meetings with AF's high-staff officers to discuss UAO-problems.

To show him that I wasn't suspecting anything, I reacted to that last statement with the question that was to be expected from a person off the track : "How could they have permitted your presence at meetings about "classified matters" ? You are a civilian, I know."

He explained that such a privilege had been granted, in his opinion, because his brother was a Lieut.-Colonel in the AF and because he had reported one of the first Brazilian case. I "believed it", of course.

He showed interest in our opinion about the possibility of UAO bases in the bottom of the seas (?). One of his "friends" had soon, from a high place (probably from a plane), a flying saucer emerging from the waters of the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (this lagoon is placed in the center of Rio's south districts). He wanted to know if we had any similar incident in our files (we had not). He also showed us his collection of newspaper clippings about UAOs, which seemed to be very complete. And there was an amazing photo of a luminous egg-shaped object, taken by another of his friends. This UFO looked like an orange star at naked-eye and was seen in the negative as a small point of light ; but enlarged 40 times it appeared as seen in the photo. I asked for a copy of it and offered in exchange the photos taken by Dr. Grecco (which I an enclosing for you too). He was interested and agreed with my proposition.

At the end, he said a strange thing : "I would like to take a look at the fragments you have of the small flying disk which exploded near Ubatuba". This time I couldn't control my surprise. Why the word "small" ? I asked for an explanation and he told me that he had known it from the letter received by Mr. Ibrahim Sued. He was not telling the truth, the letter said nothing about the disk's size. I also observed another strange thing : he wanted to see only the samples, the report of the analysis did not attract his interest any time. Why ? Because he already knew what was in the samples, in my opinion. I believe he was only checking if my samples were similar to the ones he had seen elsewhere.

Anyway, two days after our interview Mr. Nunes travelled to São Paulo city. He said to Martins he was going to meet his "brother" at the AF Base of Cumbica. In my opinion, he was going to report that my samples of the Ubatuba's disk were genuine. Incidentally, Cumbica is one of the two AF Bases close to the Ubatuba area.

I liked the pleasant Mr. Nunes. We can't be friends because we are fighting in opposing fields. It is a pity? He really is an AF Intelligence Officer, not a civilian. A very good friend I have in the AF unknowingly checked the matter at my request. There is no doubt about that.

I have now the copy of his photo. He gave me it a few days ago. He does not realise what I know about it : that it is a "classified photo of an UFO". No one knows about it outside the AF.

It seems that I was the winner of the second play. But the game is not finished yet. They are going to try another play as soon as possible. I am expecting it?

I began to understand that my opponent was more dangerous than he seemed. Always he appeared to be watching. Somehow I felt the impression that he knew I was trying to get information from him and was pleased with the thing. I sweated and tried another approach. He began to watch me with amusement and started to play down the whole saucer business. When he explained how he was informed that the Russians had built jet-powered flying saucers two years ago – and that one of those craft probably was searching for US guided missiles in the Trindade Island and had been spotted and photographed – I saw that he was teasing me. Then I decided to play my last card.

I laughed at those words. "You are loosing your time, Commander Brandão. I am not such a fool? If you want to conceal the truth about flying saucers, please try a better "explanation", not this one. It seems that you didn't learn anything from Dr. Menzel's book on the subject. Or from the top-secret reports you have received from the US Navy."

"I never received any report of this kind", he said. "Who told you such a lie ?"

"I forgot his name. I know it is not a lie, and I also understand your position. You can't release classified information to civilians. But, on the other side, I am not here to hear hollow explanations that don't mean anything at all. The Navy is free to draw what conclusions it likes about UAOs. They are not entitled, however, to treat civilian questions as a mere nuisance – as you are doing with my questions. I want you to understand on thing : I already know the answers you are trying to conceal. As well as the Navy, I know that flying saucers are craft from another planet, that they have little men in them and that they mean to do us harm. Is that clear ?"

He said nothing. Then I thanked him for showing me the photos and let myself out.

I was beaten.


The same day two men came to my office. The time was 6 : 30 p.m. My nurse had left a few minutes before – and I was alone. They showed their credentials : they were intelligence officers from the Navy. They said that they were there because of my visit to the Navy Ministry, that morning. Their attitude appeared to be friendly, but their first words gave me the feeling they were trying to scare me somehow.

"You know too much about things you weren't entitled to know", said one of them. "We don't like that. Besides, your activities concerning those fragments you possess are very undesirable and might be dangerous to you. We would like to warn you to stop all your investigations connected with these fragments. We request also the samples in your hands to be delivered to us as soon as possible?"

I interrupted him at that moment. I was not frightened, but angry – and trying hard to control my temper. "My dear friend", I said, "I'm afraid you don't have any conception of what country is this. This is a free country and you aren't entitled to say what I can or can't do. If you came here to throat me, you can stop now and get out through that door. And tell your military chiefs I have no fear of their ridiculous menaces. I also have friends in the armed in the armed forces and elsewhere, and I know they have no power to interfere legally with my activities."

He changed his attitude instantly. "You misunderstood my words", he answered. "I am only giving you an advice. You may follow it or not, of course. I want you to understand that our visit is unofficial and private. It seems that you have discovered highly important information regarding flying saucers, but we think you don't know the whole picture. We are going to place at your disposal certain information and advice of great interest to you. In exchange, we want your cooperation on certain matters. As a civilian investigator, you certainly have many sources of information which avoid to report anything to the military, on the subject. We request your help to correct this situation, reporting all information received to us – chiefly about sightings and landings of UFOs in our country. Our organization is a small one and we need civilian help. In some other countries the situation is different and they can refuse civilian cooperation – you probably know it ; it is perhaps the reason of your surprise and your hostile attitude. You can relax now."

I decided to accept his explanation and discuss the information they wanted to report. I am not convinced, however, that I misunderstood his first words. On the contrary, I believe they wouldn't use this friendly approach if they had me scared since the first moment. But that tactic failed and they had to change their method to a more kind attitude.

In discussions which lasted for almost two hours they disclosed the following information about the flying saucer problem :

(1) They told me that all governments and military authorities through the world know that flying saucers exist – and that they are craft from another planet. They have absolute proof of both things.

(2) As a matter of fact, six flying disks already crashed on this earth and were captured and taken apart by military forces and scientists of the countries involved – under the most rigid and ruthless security restrictions to keep the matter absolutely secret. One of those disks crashed in the Sahara desert but was too much destroyed to be of some use. Three others crashed in the United States, two of them in very good conditions. The fifth crashed somewhere in the British Islands, and the last one came down at one of the Scandinavian countries ; these two were almost undamaged too. All these six disks were small craft – 32, 72 or 99 feet in diameter. In all of them were found bodies of members of their crews. They were "little men" and ranged in height from about 32 to 46 inches. They were dead in all cases, killed in the disasters. The examination of the bodies showed they were definitely "humanoid" – but obviously not from this planet. In some cases the cause of the crash was determined with accuracy : it wasn't apparent in the other. All ships had the general shape of a saucer with a cabin on the top ; all of them were made of a very light metal which was assembled in segments that fitted in deep grooves and were pinned together around the base. There was no sign of this on the outer surface of the ships. Some of the craft had portholes made of an unknown type of glass : many kinds of unknown materials were found inside the ships.

(3) Examination of instruments and devices found aboard these disks showed that they are propelled by an extremely powerful electro-magnetic field. Evidence shows it is a rotating and oscillating high voltage electro-magnetic field. Such a kind of field obviously produces some type of gravity effect yet not understood.

(4) All ships were carefully dismantled and studied. Unfortunately the more important problem was not solved : how these fields were produced and what was the source of the tremendous amount of electric energy released through these fields. No clues were found in any of the disks examined. Apparently they got their power from nowhere. There is, on the other hand, evidence that large UFOs use some type of atomic engines as power-source suggests thet they are able to transmit electric power through radio beams as we now send it through wires. Some of the devices found inside of the small disks could well serve to receive and to concentrate the electric power coming this way. If this is right, a nuclear power-plant operated on a ship or satellite of large dimensions, placed outside our atmosphere, could feed electrical power to a whole fleet of smaller craft operating inside our atmosphere. None of there UFOs of greater size was captured till now.

(5) Our scientists could built a ship propelled by a similar rotating and oscillating electro-magnetic field – if they know some method to change the energy released into a nuclear-reactor directly into electric power. The problem is not solved yet.

(6) These visitors from outer space are dangerous when approached and definitely hostile when attacked. We have already lost many planes attempting to shot down one of them. We have no defense against them till now. They outperform easily any of our fighters, which have no chance against them. Guided missiles are also useless : they can fly still faster than any of them and can even maneuver around them, as if they were toys ; or they can interfere with their electric instruments and make them useless soon after launched ; or, if they like, they can explode them before they reach their proximities. They have produced the crash of military planes (propeller or jet type) and airliners by stalling their engines through interference with their electric systems (we don't know yet if this is a side effect of their powerful magnetic field, or the result of some kind of weapon – possibly a high frequency beam of some sort. They have also a horribly destructive long-range weapon which has been used mercilessly against our jet-fighters. In one case, for example, an US Navy interceptor with a crew of two, scrambled to go after an UFO. Their mission was, as usual, to make it land or to shot down it – if necessary. They used their guns. The answer was immediate and terrifying : instantly all metallic parts of their planes was disintegrated, disrupted into thousands of fragments, and they found themselves suddenly seated in the air (non-metallic pieces or objects weren't affected by the phenomenon) ; one of them was killed but the other lived to tell the story. We have evidence that this

(7) They have not showed, till now, any interest in contacting us. They are obviously preparing a planet-wide huge military operation to interfere against us. We don't know what kind of operation will be this. There are, however, three possibilities : (a) total war followed by mass-landings, to destroy our power, slave the remnant of our people and colonize the planet ; (b) police-action to stop our plans for the conquest of space, and to avoid our dangerous progress in the field of atomic-weapons ; this would involve mass-landings at strategic points with occupation by force of limited areas of vital interest for their purposes ; (c) "friendly interference" (followed by military intimidation) to make us agree with their plans for us – whatever they can be – avoiding open war or any other kind of direct interferences ; patrolling and eventual police-action only outside our atmosphere.

(8) All military authorities and governments through the world are informed about the situation. There is an exchange of information through intelligence services and top-secret military conferences are held periodically to discuss new developments on the subject. The Brazilian Navy, for example, receives monthly classified reports from the US Navy and send back to them any information available here. A similar contact exists among our Army and Air Force and several (similar) military organizations on other countries. Here in Brazil only the persons who work in the problem know the real situation : intelligence officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force ; some high-rank officers in the High-Command ; the National Security Council and a few scientists whose activities are connected with it ; and a few members of certain civilian organizations doing research for military Projects.

(9) All information about the UFO-subject from military is not only classified or reserved for official use : it is top-secret. Civilian authorities and military officers in general are not entitled to know. Even our President is not informed of the whole truth.

(10) Military authorities through the world agrees that the people is not entitled to know anything about the problem. Some military groups believe that such a knowledge would be a tremendous shock – enough to paralyse the life in our countries for many years in the future. On the other side, they believe that flying saucer reconnaissance (as it is now) might last other 10 years – the people couldn't be controlled for so long a time and the danger of uncontrolled panic would be high. Besides, the probability of UFO-hostile interference (described on item 7) in still estimated as 90 per cent ; there is yet a 10 per cent probability that their hostility is only a consequence of our attacks against their ships ; because of this possibility, we are attempting now to make them aware that we would like to make a peaceful contact – so, the orders (now) are to avoid any further attack against their craft. This policy has been adopted generally, with the exception of some countries which still have fools in their Air Forces – who think otherwise. We don't know if UFOs will react to these measures recently put under operation. We still hope they will.

(11) To conceal the truth from the public, a carefully planned censorship is under operation for several years. The policy to debunk the whole saucer-subject is the better weapon we are using for this purpose. Ridicule is an efficient tool against most people who attempt to inform the public but other measures are sometimes necessary. Chiefly against persons who possess evidence that, if published, could open the eyes of the people. In some countries, force has been used to silence some of them. When this is not possible, all tricks had been used to make their evidence useless. In a few cases, infortunately, violence had to be used ; we regret this but we have no choice. We are going to keep this thing secret at any cost. We are not interested in the so-called "inalienable rights" of the people. Right or wrong, we – the military – are going to do our job and no one is going to stop us.


So I have come to the end of my story, Coral. You can refuse to believe it. I have no proof to convince you. My only evidence is the story in itself, which I reported with all details. There is, of course, the possibility that those Navy intelligence officers (I don't know their names, they didn't identify themselves) weren't telling the truth. But I could see no useful purpose in doing this. Besides, I already suspected all things they told me. The only information that surprised me was the one related with the ultra-sonic weapon to destroy our planes ; I never heard anything about it before. I believe it was used against Mantell's plane, if it really exists.

I do not trust military people. They exchanged their information for a small bit of our Mg. I told them nothing about our plans, of course. They got only the sample they wanted. They promised to tell me about the results of their analyses, but only particularly. They advised me not to connect the Navy with anything regarding that sample : they would deny it, they would call me a liar and ridicule my statements – if I tried to do so. Officially, they are not interested, they emphasized, and do not intend to release any official pronouncement on this subject – or any other, connected with the UAO-problem. They also warned me not to publish the information they had given me : "What we have told you will be denied", said one of them. "We will deny also that we know you or ever contacted you. You will be called a liar or, if you persist, a crackpot. As you have nothing to prove you are telling the truth, no one would believe you."

They are right, infortunately. Under the circumstances, to publish what they revealed, knowing not only that I would be ridiculed, but also knowing who would do the ridiculing and not having means to fight their vicious attack, is to be a fool. I am not going to be such a fool, of course. But I can do other things they aren't expecting ; for example, to pass their information to people who can use it, too. At least to understand certain attitudes and statements of the US Air Force, that only have contributed to cause confusion in the field of UFO-research : it is not simple confusion, but organized confusion. Or to clear certain mysteries connected with UAO-research and UAO-investigators.

As the mystery of Al Bender and his strange visitors. He was obviously silenced by intelligence officers from the US government, who probably told him the same information I have got – with the difference that in your country they can apply more preasure against the ones who know too much? I read again Gray Barker's book and saw many things I didn't see before. I also remembered the story told by Scully about the disks that crashed in your country. I believe now that he told the truth. It is evident that the details given to me and the ones described in Scully's book are identical – they belong to the same disks. Unless that book helped my Navy "friends" in the description of imaginary disks, that exist only in their minds. It could be? But it seems a remote possibility, under the circumstances already reported.

If the things are as bad as they look, Coral, we have only a thing to do : to continue our fight to get the truth in the open. I will no submit to the conspiracy of silence, as others seem to have done. I still believe that the people, the ones who would be on the receiving and of a possible invasion from space, shall be told. I don't think they are unable to stand the truth – as it was suggested. I believe they will stand it because humans are not bent easily. After the first shock, everyone would work to help something in the measures taken against the imminent danger. Only the cowards would be paralysed by fear. The great majority would approve the decision to fight at any cost, with hope or with no hope. It is better to be dead than to become slaves of animals from another planet.

I don't believe that we have no defense against them. They can smash our aerial defenses with ease, I know. But after landing they will have to fight on the ground. Then they will have to fight also against our gravity, our atmosphere, our weather and many other things. They will move slowly and will be easy targets. Then we can fight them, I believe. But only if we are prepared – as well as was the English people when Hitler's invasion was imminent. How can this be done, however, if no one is alerted ? We should already have stopped our potty "cold war". Underground refuges, fortifications, plants, arsenals and other places should have been built everywhere. Power-plants should have been insulated with refractive materials to prevent any interference from magnetic fields or high-frequency beams. If motors with electric systems can be stalled, diesel motors should be used, at least for military purposes. Nylon-suits could protect our bodies against magnetic influences, radiation, heat, or death rays. Metallic vehicles, guns and missiles could be protected against sonic disintegration, if coated by fiberglass or other sonic absorvers. New weapons and defenses could be found also, by scientists and technicians working in every country to solve the problem. And many other things.

But the military decided to do nothing. If saucers are hostile, they solve the problem by concealing the truth from the people. Only that. Why ? Maybe because they are the ones who cannot stand the truth regarding the origin of UAO-hostility against us. It is highly probable that their orders to shot down flying saucers changed them against us. If so, those man who opened the Pandora box are the ones who are frightened and decided to hide their mistakes at any cost – in spite of the possible consequences for us.

We have no other alternative than to fight their policy of silence, Coral. As we have done till now.

Please, forgive this letter. I have written too much – more than it was necessary perhaps. But I had to tell everything. In fact, this is more a report than a letter, an account of things that would be placed better in a science-fiction tale than in the real life. With the information included here you can perhaps get some more facts from other sources. But be careful in your investigations. I do not wish to get you into trouble.

Send my regards to Jim and my best wishes for your family. I hope you are enjoying good health, and so the Lorenzen family.


P.S. I am preparing a complete report about the Trindade Island's photographies ; I will send it as soon as possible.