UFO Sighting ‑ Salem, Massachusetts

16 July 1952

Document d'origine s1Blue Book Archive
Document d'origine Document d'origine

On 16 July 1952 a photograph of four objects was taken by the USCG station photographer at Salem, Massachusetts. The photograph was submitted to ATIC for analysis and the analysis was completed on 1 Aug 52. AnalyBis wasjuade from the original negative which was returned to the Coast Guard at their request. The results of this analysis indicated that the photo was a hoax. Extensive photographs were taken under similar conditions. Failure of the light source to cast reflections on the highly polished cars below indicated that the "light was not outside and it was assumed by the analyst at the time, that the photo was a double exposure and for this reason was a hoax. A subsequent examination of this photo was made in October 1963 and the following analysis is indicated as a more probable cause.

The photo was taken through a window with a 1+/5 Busch Pressman Camera (135 MM FU.7 Raptar lens with Rapax shutter, loaded with V5 Super XX cut film). The photographer observed several lights which seemed to be wavering. He observed the lights for 5 or 6 seconds and grabbed the camera, which had been on a nearby table. The focus was adjusted to infinity. The photographer pulled the slide in preparation for the picture when he noticed that the lights had dimmed. He assumed at the time that the object he saw was a reflection. He ran out of the room to get an additional witness, and upon returning noticed that the lights were again brilliant. When they went to the window the lights were gone. He again stated that perhaps some sort of refraction- or ground reflection'' could possibly account for the lights.

The following points'' are deemed pertinant to analysis. The camera' was focused on infinity and the picture taken through a window. As the witness approached the window the objects dimmed, as he returned to his point of initial observation and at the second observation as he reentered the room the lights were again brilliant. The objects as photographed, appear fuzzy and out of focus. The cars and buildings outside are Bharply outlined. The window frame inside the building is out of focus. All four objects have the same outline and general configuration, in spite of the blurring.

Conclusion; It is believed that the photos represent light reflections from an interior source (probably the ceiling lights) on the window through which the photo was taken. With the camera set on infinity the window would be more out of focus than the lights. The lights would still be out of focus since the distance from the lights to the window and back to the camera lens would still be shorter than the distance required for a clear picture with the lens setting on infinity. The objects outside the building would be in focus. The apparent brightness of the reflection would decrease as the photographer approached the window. The initial photo analysis indicating the magnitude of the light and substantiation of fact that the light source was not external is correct. There is no indication of any attempt to perpertrate a hoax. The photo received is similar to many others taken through windows which have been confirmed as reflections of an interior light source.'' Had the camera been focused for a shorter distance the outlines of the interior light sources would have been sharper. It is believed that there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the evaluaticm^of this photo as reflections of internal light sources.