Why Saucers Landed Here

Scully, FrankFrank Scully,

HAVING GIVEN about every devil his due, I have been debating the next step. Should I Tell All? Or am I, too, bound to exercise discretion? The bugaboo of security may enter here on much more plausible grounds than in the field of atomic fission, for the simple reason that the making of A-bombs and H-bombs are not secrets of American scientists exclusively. How to make them on a mass production basis and not bankrupt our capitalist system is the problem and that's still being kept a secret. On the other hand, much of magnetic action is a secret to all but perhaps a few scientists, and the rest is a secret even to them.

Raised in a school of journalism that believed that the only secret that shouldn't be told to the people of a democracy was that told in a confessional I have small patience with private pacts on any level.

Secret weapons and surprise attacks are narcotics that may lull the military for a while, but a secret weapon must one day be brought out in the open, and a surprise attack is over once it's made. After that, the better man wins, as the blitzkrieg in Russia and the bombing of Pearl Harbor proved.

Every nation has been the victim of this sort of self-hypnosis. But if you believe that God is on the side of the more virtuous, not merely, as Napoleon said, on the side of the biggest armies, you must believe that virtue and competence, unlike mushrooms, do not grow better in dampness and darkness.

For my part I prefer a civilization run as Rube Waddell used to run a ball game. He called outfielders in when about to strike out a third man. He told the outfielders to shift when he was going to make a batter hit to right or left field.

Once I was a member of a group which was delousing a city of its iniquities. The police were on the side of the underworld. They had a special squad whose job it was to harass and intimidate all those on the side of civic virtue. These goons in uniform would even bomb a kitchen of a civic leader at night. That would not kill anybody, but it would scare hell out of all the occupants sleeping in another wing of the house.

One day while discussing the state of things over a tapped phone with our attorney, I said it didn't really matter that the goon squad knew our plans from day-to-day because they were not smart enough to profit by the knowledge. "If you were at bat," I said, "and the chief demolitionist were playing in center field and you shouted to him that you were going to hit a Texas leaguer right back of second base, it wouldn't do him any good because he'd be too dumb to act on the revelation."

With that the chief demolitionist, listening in on the conversation, let out a raucous Bronx cheer. We all laughed, he loudest of

But within two months he bombed the car of an ex-police chief who was on our side. The bombing was meant to kill, but the ex-chief survived 186 slugs and the police captain who engineered the bungled job got 20 years at San Quentin.

What does this tend to prove? That secrecy and incompetence go hand in hand and should never be tolerated in a free world, or even in any corner of a free world. They are the other fellow's secret weapons and contain his certain defeat. America should drop the whole ridiculous business, because when you get down all.

to brass tacks as distinguished from brass hats, a secret is something shared by one person. Even two is a crowd. When three are in on it you have an agent whose business it is to buy and sell other people's secrets. No secrets, no sale.

That's my philosophy, but as Bernard Shaw said to the man who hissed his play, "I agree with you, young man, but what can we two do against so many?" So I guess I can't tell all. But I can tell you that by men who know tenescopes best it's saucers 2 to 1. Let the Air Force scream it's not true. They may have their reasons for doing so but truth is not among them.

I don't believe the magnetic research scientists had hallucinations. I don't believe they were participants in a mass hysteria. I believe the military had hallucinations and I believe they certainly were participants in a class hysteria-the Junker class against the rest of us. They don't want us to know what they know. They trust us even less when we know what they don't know.

They simply knew nothing of the principles of propulsion and destruction discussed in this brief. Their reports prove that. Observe how far off the mark they come in this excerpt of the Air Materiel Command's report:

Although visits from outer space are believed to be possible, they are thought to be highly improbable. In particular, detailed reports made on study of individual incidents and the over-all picture of project "Saucer" point to the fact that actions attributed to the flying objects reported during the last two years are inconsistent with the requirements for space travel.

The possibility that the "saucers" were supported by means of rays or beams was investigated and debunked. By "rays" or "beams" are meant either purely electromagnetic radiation or else radiation which is largely corpuscular like cathode rays, cosmic rays or cyclotron beams.

Any device thus propelled would have to be fundamentally a reaction device. The basic theory of such devices is that a given amount of energy is most efficiently spent if the momentum thrown back or down is large. This means

that a large mass should be given a small acceleration, a theorem well understood by helicopter designers.

Beams or rays to the contrary, a small mass is given a very high velocity, and consequently enormous powers greater than the total world's power capacity-would be needed to support event the smallest object by such means.

Several unorthodox means of supporting or propelling a solid object have been considered, including the fiction writers old standby, the anti-gravity shield, but all have been found impractical. This, in the opinion of investigating scientists, lends credence to the assumption that the unidentified flying objects are supported and propelled by some normal means, or else they are not solids.

This quaint resume was published in 1949-349 years after William Gilbert had told all who could read that the earth was a giant magnet. All of Gilbert's writings were destroyed in the great fire of London, but he did leave some instruments which enabled sailors to find out their latitude without seeing the sun, moon, or stars. If Air Force Intelligence can get back to the Pentagon by means of one of these compasses, perhaps it can scrounge around and find some reports that not only back up Gilbert but the main points of this treatise.

The simplest proof is that magnetic lines of force know no barrier is evidenced by the action of a magnetic compass. Set it up on the south side of Pikes Peak, it still points north. Nothing in the famous peak disturbs the lines of force in any manner. If a magnetic needle is disturbed through usage all you have to do is to place it on the surface of the earth and it immediately rearranges itself. In fact, there's a belief that the same could be done if an electrocuted body (which is a demagnetized body) were placed immediately in the earth. Its magnetic frequencies would be re-established, and life thus restored.

Certainly from the Air Force communiques you would get no inkling that anybody had found a way to use magnetic lines of force or the crossing of them as a means of defense. I mean a literal defense of these shores, not a Department of Defense which is in reality a department of offense.

Can the Air Force be ignorant of a force that if crossed can destroy everything for miles within 1/10,000ths of a second? Are they ignorant of magnetic sequence counters which are capable of 1,000,000 calculations a second?

Don't they know that everything on this planet, and, indeed, in the entire solar system, operates on magnetic frequencies, from a pencil to an Air Force general, and that anybody who has mastered this knowledge could demagnetize and destroy anything he desired? If so why didn't the Air Force hit on the suspicion that the simplest way to destroy Captain Mantell's ship over Fort Knox was to demagnetize it? Why all this hocus-pocus about chasing Venus, running out of oxygen, and marking the whole case "an unexplained mystery?"

Has what probably happened to Captain Mantell ever been duplicated by earth-born experimenters? Oh yes, by accident. With what result? Disintegration and fire.

We have certain places where magnetic blow-outs occur, notably around Oregon and New Mexico. If a ship traveling on such magnetic lines of force should hit a blow-out it might be in for trouble. Wouldn't you check on those disturbing factors if you traveled that way? Or are you the sort of chauffeur who gets blow-outs and never looks back to see where you picked up the nail?

On those space ships examined by our magnetic research men no destructive force of any kind was found, except possibly those push buttons which nobody ever pushed. Somewhere on that panel was the secret of their propulsion and their secret weapon. Their weapon wasn't such a secret either, because, as I have hinted, among the 1,600 scientists who worked five to seven years in this field some accidentally fell on the secret of destruction and by changing its direction turned it into a defensive shield for this continent. I know how they did it but I'm not telling. If the Air Force knows too, fine. If not, tant pis.

As for those pilots and other observers who thought they saw lights of various colors connected with flying saucers and were listed as crackpots by the military's quackpots, let them rest easy on their beds from this day forth. What they think they saw they saw. White lights, blue lights, yellow lights, green lights, red lights-all can be produced in a laboratory by disturbing magnetic lines of force. In fact, nature has been doing it for thousands of years outside of laboratories. When the earth shifts a fraction there is a magnetic disturbance around the poles and that's all the Aurora Borealis is. These magnetic lines of force go as deep as the skin of the earth, which is 32 miles. It is assumed that the sun supplies its other planets with this energy as it does us. It is assumed they are all positive forces and thus repel each other and so keep in magnetic balance. Anybody who can effect a negative current can get from one positive planet to another positive planet.

In laboratories, our scientists have worked it out so that it is possible to surpass the speed of light by traveling on these magnetic lines of force. One experiment calculated the speed at 282,000 miles a second. It was on such a theoretical calculation that I said in Variety on October 12, 1949, that flying saucers could fly from Venus to here and back in 42 minutes.

But even if their speed were limited to the speed of light, as ours at one time was limited to the speed of sound, the round trip could be accomplished well within an hour. The assumption is that the Saucerians have developed their own ships to where they can create a magnetic flux and move at any speed-from zero to 282,000 miles per second. In fact, once out of their atmosphere, or ours, where no resistance operates, they could move at 1,000,000 miles per second.

But if we stay on the conservative side o£ Einstein, who holds that nothing can exceed the speed of light, where does that get us? At 186,000 miles per second, that's 11, 172,000 miles per minute, or 630,320,000 m.p.h. At one time Venus is 154,000,000 miles from us; at another time, 161,000,000 miles away. Taking the shorter distance; that's 308,000,000 miles for the round trip. Half of 67,320,000 is 335 160 000. In other words, the round trip could be made in less than 42 minutes. It could be made in half an hour.

As for the three space ships that failed to make their round trips (others too have been reported, one in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico with six dead men aboard), the assumption is that their ships were set on automatic float, in case anything happened to the pilots.

On reaching magnetic zero, which is what the skin of the earth would be to such a positive force, the ship having arrived at magnetic balance would stop all motion. Until another button was pushed that would repel it from this earth, it would not move. Since nobody knew which button to push and therefore didn't push any, we will never know for sure of course how that particular ship would have acted, but our magnetic research engineers can make a pretty fair guess.

That the greatest hazard of the visiting Saucerians was decompression, is the best guess as to what killed those found dead on such ships as have been grounded on this planet. The assumption is that they have overcome that, because no ship, with its crew dead possibly from the bends, has been found for more than a year. The suspicion is that numbers still land and leave at will, but that's only a suspicion. Faultings may bring them down against their will, but why couldn't they master those as our navigators have mastered the stormy waters around Cape Hatteras?

These fault zones are not very well understood either. Neither are volcanic eruptions which are the results of them. At the turn of the century it was believed that the earth was a ball of fire which had cooled off on its outer crust. Today we are told that its core is of solid metal and that the crust, or skin which is about thirty miles thick, is of rock, metal, and soil.

The planet Jupiter is a good model. Its core is metallic. Outside that core are thousands of miles of ice. Beyond the ice is a hydrogen atmosphere, and beyond that, methane and ammonia clouds.

To those who raise the question, how come volcanoes if the center of the earth is not a molten mass, modern astronomers and geophysicists both concur that volcanoes are the results of faultings and frictions. These set up fire and continue in their eruptions until the particular faulting is corrected or falls into magnetic balance.

They will point out to you the presence in Mexico of a volcano which looks thousands of years old, and which has been observed as going from nothing to its present eruption in our lifetime. Scientists who have flown over it in various periods and have watched its formation look upon it as something as superficial as a boil on the body-a blemish which doesn't necessarily go to the marrow of the bone, which in this case is not calcium but cold steel-an ideal material for a giant magnet.

Professor George Adamski, in Pioneers in Space, holds that all knowledge of space ships is a denied military secret but nevertheless a secret because the military must always have a secret. It will give up this one when it gets a better one. To him America is in the kindergarten scientifically compared to men from Mars. He says the Navy is training men in courtesy against the day when interplanetary calls will follow protocol, which could of course be naval propaganda because all the Air Force ever thinks about is shooting down the sonsabitches.

They can fight their way out but to think their way out seems to be beyond them.

Is it any wonder that the ignorance of the Pentagonians is conceded by all (except the Pentagonians) to be abysmal?