Some Magnetic Definitions

Scully, FrankFrank Scully,

DESPITE THE BACKGROUND they now possess of a capsule history of magnetism, our readers, unless strapped in with a more technical briefing of the mysteries behind magnetic energy, may fly off into space as we move inside, around and behind the flying saucers at 90-degree angles.

Even when granted asylum among these mysteries, as St. Francis of Assisi or Androcles might grant protection to wild animals, the Pentagonian wolf pack may find the chase too much for them and drop dead of exhaustion. For those who hang on it is only fair to warn them that, as in Dante's Inferno, they should abandon all hope who enter here, for cynicism, skepticism and negative approaches generally will never knock down the magnetic lines of force which were set up millions of years ago to disintegrate them if they carried their pursuit of ignorance this far.

Enough hints have been dropped at intervals through this monograph to have warned all dissenters with an I.Q. above 102 as to what would happen to them if they persisted in following the Air Force's party line to the effect that flying saucers do

not exist anywhere in this solar system and that believers in their presence are victims of hallucinations, mass hysteria, or hoaxes. Unfortunately those who persist in following party lines, and even fellow travelers, are almost to a man unsusceptible to nuances, hints, suggestions, and sometimes even to shock. But now and then you find an exception.

As an example of last-minute conversion I quote Harry von Zell. Up to May, 1950, he was in the doubters' camp. But after he returned to Hollywood from New Mexico, where he had been on location with a picture company he asked to be stricken from the list of Doubting Thomases. He said that anywhere within fifty miles of Los Alamos the air was so full of magnetic charges that he had to ground his house key to keep the static electricity from giving him a perpetual hot-foot. "Everybody's hair stood on end. Don't tell me that we're not fooling around with the stuff or that somebody somewhere doesn't know how to use it to propel objects through the air."

Only a week before this plausible dispenser of radio commercials hit the magnetized trail, I had twenty men listen to a personal history of one man's experience with flying saucers. The group contained former Air Force pilots, former G-2 men, aerodynamic engineers, physicists, astronomers, and specialists in the field of magnetic energy. The seminar took five hours and all agreed it was an evening such as they had never previously enjoyed in their lives.

They were made privy to such inside stuff as is known to no one outside the inner circle dealing with magnetic phenomena. Much they could not understand because the technical language was as alien to their ears as Sanskrit. As more is about to be revealed, perhaps it would be sensible to pause for a moment while certain terms are defined.

Since it would only produce confusion worse confounded to go into matters of conductivity, flux linkages, inductance, potentials as distinguished from permittivity, demagnetism as distinguished from diamagnetism, definitions will be limited to:

Magnetic Analysis. The separation of a stream of electrified particles by a magnetic field in accordance with their mass,

charge, or speed. This is the principle behind the mass spectrograph.

Magnetic Declination. The angle between true north geographical and magnetic north, the direction of the compass needle. This angle is different for different places and changes continuously with respect to time. Magnetic Dip. The angle that the magnetic field of the earth makes with the horizontal at a particular location. Also called magnetic inclination.

Magnetic Field. A vector field magnetizing force as generally used in magnetic field indicates the region throughout which the magnetizing force values are of significant magnitude with respect to the conditions under consideration. In effect a magnetic field is in a region in which the magnetic forces created by a permanent magnet or by a current carrying conductor or coil can be detected.

Magnetic Figures. A pattern showing the distribution of a magnetic field, made by sprinkling iron filings on nonmagnetic surface in the field.

Magnetic Flux. Magnetic lines of force.

Magnetic Flux Density. The magnetic quantity. Number of magnetic lines of force that determines how much voltage will be induced in a conductor that moves in a particular point in a magnetic field. It is the number of magnetic lines of force per unit area at right angles to the lines. More generally called magnetic induction.

Magnetic Hysteresis occurs when a ferro magnetic substance is subjected to a varying magnetic field and causes the magnetic induction to lag behind the changes in magnetizing force. Magnetic Lines o f Force. Imaginary lines used for convenience to represent the direction in which magnetic forces are acting in a magnetic field and to represent the strength of the magnetic field.

Magnetic Map. Map indicating (a) isogenics, which are lines of equal declination and (b) isoclinics, which are lines of equal dip.

Magnetron (a) A vacuum thermionic tube in which a magnetic field externally produced by a coil surrounding the tube is used to control the unidirectional current flow. It is used for generating microwaves, radio waves below one meter in wave length. (b) In a split anode magnetron the cylindrical anode that surrounds the cathode is divided longitudinally into halves between which the oscillations are produced. (c) Enlarged magnetrons handling powers up to about a thousand kilowatts in continuous oscillation are produced in the plate circuit at twice the frequency of the high frequency alternating field provided by the filament without the use of a grid.

Magnetic Particle. A small but relatively long and thin portion of a magnetizable medium, possessing equal poles of opposite types at the ends.

Magnetic Pole. (a) Either of the two poles of a magnet, north pole and south pole, near which the magnetic intensity is greatest. (b) Either of two locations on the surface of the earth toward which a compass needle points. The north magnetic pole is near the north geographic pole and hence attracts the south pole of a compass needle.

Magnetic Storm. Rapid and erratic changes in magnetic field of the earth believed due to the activity on the sun. It seriously affects both radio and wire communications.

Permeability. The ability of a material to become magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. The same as the dielectric constant in the electric field.

Unit Pole. One that repels a like pole of 1 dyne when they are placed 1 cm. apart in a vacuum.

Magnetic Zero. The magnetic zero station in America is at Gary, Indiana, which is on the agonic line of our isogenic map as prepared by the U.S. Geodetic survey.

Albert Wallace Hull, research physicist, born April 19, 1880, a graduate of Yale, invented the magnetron and in co-operation with Dr. F. R. Elder, developed oscillators, which produce 10 kw. at 50 kilocycles. The magnetron came into renewed prominence in 1928 with the discovery that magnetrons having split anodes can generate very high frequencies.

Since: then the magnetron has had many important applications. It depends on the fact that electrons can be ordered in their path by a magnet. In ordinary electron tubes, the flow of electrons from the filaments to the plate is regulated by the change on the grid. In the magnetron there is no grid, but the tube is in a magnetic field. As the intensity of the field increases, there comes a stage at which the electrons are curled back into the filament and never reach the plate. At this critical point a slight change in the field produces a large change in the current carried by the tube.

The magnetron is especially valuable for producing high frequency oscillations used for generating ultra short waves. The magnetron is a diode or thermionic tube having a strange axiol cathode surrounded by a cylindrical anode. Its use as a magnetic prospecting instrument derives from the fact that in the presence of a magnetic field the electrons do not travel regularly from the cathode to the anode; instead they spiral around the cathode in circular paths and after a critical magnetic field intensity is reached, the electrons will return to the cathode without reaching the anode. At this field strength the plate current will drop abruptly. The procedure in operating the instrument consists in decreasing the plate voltage on the diode until the voltage is reached at which the current falls off rapidly. The place voltage at which this occurs is related to the critical field strength H by the relation H-6/7200 V/R where R is the radius of the anode.

In practice a compensation procedure is used wherein the field to be measured is nullified by a known field produced by Helmut's coil arrangement. The magnetron is affected by the component of the earth's field which is parallel to its axis. The instrument theoretically may be used to measure any components of the earth's field by suitable orientation.

The sensitivity of the tube may be increased through regeneration by passing the plate current through an additional solenoid.

Interesting experimental results have been obtained by using magnetic alloy field pieces to increase the affected magnetic field. The earth being simply a huge magnet, a dynamo wound with magnetic lines of force as its coils, tenescopically counted to be 1,257 to the square centimeter in one direction and 1,850 to the square centimeter in the other direction (eddy currents) indicates that natural law has placed these lines as close together as the hairs on one's head. And yet they never touch or cross each other if let alone. If done so by accident the catastrophe would spread like a searchlight and destroy everything in its path. An original error of say, a foot, at its source would burn everything in its path up to 20 miles and a mile and a half wide in a ten-thousandth of a second. If left to encircle the world the original flash would have banded the globe ten times in one second. Fortunately, as a weapon of defense, this destructive force has been mastered.

The spectroscope shows that there is an enormous magnetic field around the sun, and it is the present conclusion of the best minds that magnetic lines of force from the sun envelop this earth and extend to the moon, and that everything, no matter what its form on this planet, exists by reason of magnetic lines of force.

We do not understand why certain forms of matter, referred to as being nonmagnetic by themselves, but when placed together in combination become strongly magnetic. The combination of 61% copper, 24% manganese, and 15% aluminum-all practically nonmagnetic separately, but strongly magnetic when combined as an alloy of these three component metals, is an excellent example of this mystery.

It is common to refer to electric current as "passing through a wire," but we already know that there are magnetic lines of force surrounding every wire through which an electric current is passing.

It is impossible to study electricity without realizing and recognizing the close connection between magnetism and electricity, the two go hand in hand if they are not one and the same thing.

The present is known as the electrical age, but it will be known to the future just as much as the magnetic age, because the two are inseparable.

The more we learn about magnetism, the greater the opportunity we have for an understanding of the source of electrical energy, which was given a great impetus at the beginning of the present century by the development of the electronic theory of matter.

The simplest of all mechanical motions is that of rotation, and whenever we utilize magnetic lines of force in cutting across the loop of the coils so as to cut the lines of force at right angles to their flow, we have the dynamo in its simplest form, and the current then picked up from the rotating coil becomes electricity as we know it.

Millikan, Gale, and Coyle teach this even to schoolboys. They say in their elementary textbook on physics: "All the various kinds of dynamos or generators are fundamentally nothing but devices for moving a conductor through a magnetic field and drawing off the current thus produced. However, the electrical energy is produced only when the motion takes place in such a manner as to cut the magnetic lines of force."

When referring to magnetic fields and lines of force, we must recognize that at all points about a magnet a compass needle is affected by magnetic forces. This means that a magnet is surrounded by a region in which there is magnetic force everywhere. Such a region is called a magnetic field of force.

Referring to magnets themselves, as we know them, every magnet, regardless of its size, when broken up, reforms itself into additional magnets and no matter if the magnet were cut into pieces as small as those of an atom, we would still have a magnet with a north and south pole.

As to the isogenic and isoclinics, the isogenics are lines of equal declination; the isoclinics are lines of equal dip. An isoclinic is a line connecting points on the earth's surface that have equal dip angles. Maps are available that show the light lines or isoclinics for the United States.

The dip in the United States increases toward the north from about 55 degrees at the south end of Texas to 75 degrees at points on the line through Maine to Montana.

At a point of the Boothia Peninsula, north of Hudson Bay, and about 20 degrees from the earth's north geographic pole, the dip becomes 90 degrees. A dip needle there stands vertically; that is, the north pole points downward. This is the earth's north so-called magnetic pole.

At the south magnetic pole, about 18 degrees from the south geographic pole, a dip needle again stands vertically, but the north pole points upward.

The magnetic equator is an imaginary line through two points on the earth's surface where the angle of inclination equals zero. That is where the lines of force are horizontal.

Since the magnetic and geographic poles are not coincident, neither are the magnetic and geographic equators. One may think the geographic equator as a great circle drawn about the earth halfway between the geographic poles. But the magnetic equator is not just halfway between the magnetic poles. One reason for this is that our imaginary earth magnet does not extend through the center of the earth. A straight line connecting the north and south magnetic poles, would miss the earth's center by some 800 miles.

A compass needle usually is pivoted so that it can swing in a horizontal plane only. Consequently, it is only the horizontal components of the earth's magnetic field that has anything to do with the needle's orientation. At the poles where the dip is 90 degrees, the horizontal component is zero.

At the magnetic poles, then, there is no tendency for a compass needle to point at any particular direction. Therefore, we find a proper explanation for what we call the Aurora Borealis. That is, we have magnetic lines of force that are crossing one another at or near the geographic and the magnetic poles, and as a result we see those beautiful colored lights. The directive force on a needle is greatest at the magnetic equator where the dip

angle equals zero and the horizontal component is a maximum. The angle of declination at a point is the angle between geographic north and south and the direction taken by a compass needle at the point. In other words, it is the deviation of a compass needle from geographic north and south.

An isogenic is an imaginary line connecting points on the earth's surface having the same magnetic declination. Agonic is an imaginary line connecting all points on the earth's surface when the declination is zero.

Referring again to the Aurora Borealis, it must be understood that what causes the magnetic lines of force to cross in the area of the magnetic poles, is the fact of the change in the magnetic field of the earth. We have evidence of these changes and we attribute them to the changes in the magnetic field on the sun, usually referred to as being caused by sun spots. The disturbance sometimes is so great that even all our electrical systems, our telephones, our radios, our telegraph lines, and all communications which rely on this source of energy, are affected.

The more we delve into the question of magnetic propulsion as to flying saucers, the more we become convinced that this method of transportation or travel has been developed by people from an unidentified planet and have reached a high point of excellence due to the fact that they are able to travel from one planet to another. They are probably doing research work as to the magnetic conditions of this earth.

Time variations in the earth's magnetic field in all likelihood have drawn the attention of these people in their flights over this planet. The secular variation, that is the systematic change of the earth magnetism over long periods of time, is of slight importance in any study of applied geophysics, but the diurnal variation, which appears to be a terrestrial phenomenon varying chiefly with the position of the sun above the horizon, is ordinarily of such magnitude that it must be taken into account in nearly all applications of geomagnetic theories. Variations produced by magnetic storms (those violent disturbances which

last hours and on occasion days) must be taken into account because they may change the earth's total magnetic field by as much as one per cent. Naturally, this could disturb fliers using magnetic lines of force for propulsion, too.

But these are small accidents to a small planet, which in the main is beautifully taken care of by the sun. The earth appears to be hung to nothing, held up by nothing. It has no tracks like the rails that guide a speeding train, and yet its movements are more precise and more predictable than those of the best Diesel-driven train driven by the best engineer. Obviously, if the earth is a magnet, the sun from which it is derived is the master magnet. We are a substation of the great dynamo. So are the other planets. To travel on the main line does not seem beyond even our intelligence. But how people can get across town, that is, from one planet to another, still has us mystified.

The people who have flown the space ships are unquestionably of a higher order of intelligence, because of the fact that they have done what man on this planet has not been able to do. The fact that they are little is of concern only to police reporters, sports writers, and draft boards. Only persons of very little brains believe size has anything to do with brain power.

Magnetic scientists, many of them big men, physically as well as mentally, have tried to put themselves in the position of these brilliant Tom Thumbs from elsewhere. They have tried to reason out why the visitors seemed to appear at certain preferred places over this country. The consensus is that the space pioneers are making a study of the magnetic lines of force that encompass this earth, checking discrepancies and disturbances, and making, in brief, a geodetic survey.

Assuming that these ships are traveling from the planet Venus, a maximum distance of approximately 161 million miles, the terrific distance may give us cause to pause, but it must not be forgotten that once outside of the atmospheric pressure conditions of a planet, ships move into space, where there is no weight, where there is no resistance, where there are only magnetic lines of force. And since circular motion is one of the

most ideal of all aerodynamic methods of travel, which has been proven over and over again, we're not surprised at the saucer-like shape of these ships of the air.

Actually there is no thrust in regard to these saucers, nor is there any needed, because what actually happens is that the ship, once in motion, moves forward at whatever speed is desired on magnetic lines of force.

In other words, the ship is trying to get out of its own way, having crossed one or more lines of force. We find that the ship is whirling as to its wing, which of course is circular. Therefore it is trying to get away from itself, which it actually never does.

Now that we have learned that these ships from another world fly magnetically, it is my opinion that our own magnetic engineers will solve the problem of magnetic flight and match the ships of the visitors with saucers made on this earth.

But until that day comes, we shall have to remember that the greatest exhibition of magnetic flight that has ever happened in this universe, insofar as we know, came on the second day of the memorable three-day circus over Farmington, New Mexico, when the sky was filled with flying saucers which to date at least have not been credited to any agency on our planet.