Still Another Rocket Races Over Sweden

San Francisco Chronicle de San Francisco (Californie),
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L'article d'origine

STOCKHOLM. Aug. 13 (U.P)—A "ghost rocket" was sighted moving accrss southern Sweden Monday night as an aroused Swedish public called for prompt action to determine the nature of the mysterious missiles and the country responsible for them.

The latest missile was observed moving over southern Sweden from the northeast, the newspaper Dagens reported. The bomb was described as shaped like a giant torpedo and emitting a blinding light from the foremost part. It moved soudlessly and with great speed at low altitude, the report said.

Following a "bombardment" of the missiles Sunday the Swedish Army dispatched experts to three points in central Sweden where the unidentified rockets crashed last night.

Public indignation and the bitter comment of the press indicated that the government may be forced to take determined stops to clear up the situation.

Informed sources said government officials were watching developments closely and awating supplementary evidence upon which to base possible diplomatic protests.

Unconfirmed rumors on the source of the missiles said the Russians were experimenting with rockets and flying bombs.

A spokesman for the Swedish defense staff said it appears that "almost all the people throughout Sweden have been seized by a real ghost-bomb psychosis." He added that many reports were undoubtedly "pure flights of imagination."

"Many who told about bomb crashes are even unable to point out the exact place and therefore we found it wicious to start investigations to find the remains," he said.

He did not, however, deny the phenomena were rockets and not meteors as some observers first claimed.