Projectile falls in an open field

Svenska Dagbladet de Stockholm (Suède), p. 8,
s1Bullard, T. E. < Bartholomew, Robert: Magonia Exchange, 10 mai 2007

Further reports have come in of observations of a mysterious flying object, and eyewitnesses assert that they saw a "fireball" fall.

At Dalzholm, just out from Lidkoping, several persons on Thursday afternoon saw a winged projectile with a [tail] shining like copper and with a ball, after which came a roar (hum) about 50 meters over their heads. The projectile fell in an open field where no one has yet bothered to make any investigations.

From Mariestad it is reported that there was seen a flying object with a silvery-shining tail in Otterslslatten, near Fagerlid, both at 14.30 o'clock Tuesday and on Thursday between 7:30 and 8 o'clock. Also in western Halsingland a fireball has been seen. In Ramsjo, four miles north of Ljusdal, a pair of persons on Thursday afternoon observed a fireball which was thought to go straight over the treetops. The ball seemed to be the size of a head and left behind itself a four or five meter long fiery tail. It went eastward. At about the same time other persons saw a fireball fall into a lake in the Ramsjo area.

A "rocket bomb" also has passed over the Vastervik area. A Vastervik and a Stockholm lady who were on a visit to a farmer in Cladha--ar at 14.3O o'clock on Wednesday discovered an object passing over treetops at a low altitude and disappeared behind the woods. Two persons saw a blue or green streak and another [saw] as well a small object ahead of the streak. No sound was heard. Clear sky and visibility prevailed. The direction was easterly or perhaps northeasterly and the path horizontal.

A mysterious fireball was observed between 13 and 14 o'clockon Thursday over Kopingsvik bathing area north of Borgholm. It looked like a light green, brightly shining ball, which moved with great speed in an easterly direction. Behind the "ball" appeared a spiral-shaped violet streak of light. According to what many observers tell, the luminous phenomenon disappeared suddenly [into thin air]. No trace of it could be found.