Many messages about "ghost bombs"

Morgon-Tidningen de Stockholm (Suède), dernière page,
s1Bullard, T. E. < Bartholomew, Robert: Magonia Exchange, 10 mai 2007

"Projectiles with a line behind it"

"Fireball the size of the head"

From all parts of the country reports still stream in about "ghost bombs" observed. In the Lidkoping area the phenomena is described as a projectile with a line after it, while at Thursday noon witnesses in Ljusdal told of a "fireball the size of a head." At almost the same time other persons saw a fireball fall down into a lake in the Ramajo area.

Rumbling projectile with a line and ball behind it. MARIESTAD, Friday (TT).

A Lyrestad resident who was located on the road in Otterslattes, near Fagerlid, at 14.3O o'clock on Tuesday discovered a flying object which had a silvery-lighted tail behind it and which passed over Otterslagen at only 1OO m. altitude. The direction was southeasterly and the object appeared to go at about a 35-degree angle. It is therefore believed that it fell somewhere in the territory between Otterslatten and a line [between] Hove-Algarls. Farmer Ejnar Anderson, Otterslatten, has reported that between 7.3O and 8 o'clock on Thursday morning he sighted a glittering object in the air around a meter long and with a tail of smoke behind it. At the time an airliner flew over the place as well. The luminous phenomenon at first seemed to be following the plane but then separated from it in a northeasterly direction.

( [Stockholm, Sweden], July 13, 1946, last page)