The military has a bomb fragment

Svenska Dagbladet de Stockholm (Suède), p. 9,
s1Bullard, Thomas E. < Bartholomew, Robert: Magonia Exchange, 10 mai 2007

The chief of the defense staff reported on Wednesday evening around 14.50 o'clock on July 9 a luminous phenomenon was observed at many places in the country.

In this manner was sighted at many places in the Stockholm area a bright shining body with a blue-green tail. At the same time something similar appeared in the Sundavall region, where a fall also occurred. On the spot of this [evenly] fragments were found and carefully sent through the military authorities to Stockholm for analysis. This [will be done] at the defense research institute.

In order to continue the investigation it is important that observations made be reported quickly, [so] the public is urged without delay to report on this by telephone or post to the nearest military or to the defense staff's air defense headquarters, telephone [code] military staff, post address Stockholm 90.