(Swarm of projectiles): "Radio-bomb" falls on bathing beach in Medelpad

Svenska Dagbladet de Stockholm (Suède), pp. 3, 9,
s1Bartholomew, Robert: Magonia Exchange, 10 mai 2007

Fragments investigated by experts.

On Wednesday reports came in from many parts of the county about observations of the mysterious "radio bombs," which on Tuesday were sighted not only in Medelpad but also in Dalarna and Varmland. This projectile observed in Medelpad fell onto a bathing beach, and many fragments have been found, which now are subject to expert investigation. The defense staff in a communique urges the public to report without delay all sightings of mysterious luminous aerial phenomena.

The projectile over Medelpad on Tuesday fell on the bathing beach at Bjorkon, Njurunda. A great many bathers lay and sunned themselves on the beach only 20 meters from the fall, and [something of a company] sat at a coffee table at almost the same distance away as the projectile fragments came. To continue with it, a faint thud was heard and a fiery streak seen; that was all. When the matter was investigated more closely, a small pit was found in the loose sand, a couple of decimeters deep and a meter in diameter. But people searched further and found a mass of fragments which were thought to indicate a meteor fall. A find which your correspondent made on the beach on Wednesday morning, however, seemed to point in another direction. A meteor should hardly [take after or be withdrawn from] a cylinder. Out from the Norrvikssand are located six summer cabins. The area is secluded, about three km. from Bjorkovagen. One of the summer cabins belongs to airline pilot Torvald Linden, who, when the "meteor" came, had some visiting neighbors around a coffee table outside the cabin.

The projectile's light darkened the sun's rays.

--Who first discovered the phenomenon out on the beach was a summer guest, Mrs. Soderberg, and she called my attention to it, said Mr. Linden. The projectile gave off a blinding light. It was indeed so bright that the sun's rays happened to dim. The projectile went quit: low, [its highest] speed at 50 meters per second. It descended a a 40-degree dive angle and fell into the sand, yet without any immediate report [peal, clap]. At a distance of only 20 meters lay some young girls and bathers, and they saw how the sand spurted up. After some time we found the crater, which however was rather modest in size. Spread all around was discovered thus a mass left by the mysterious sky-projectile. It mostly looked like porous slag of various colors--from burnt yellow to black. Some small bits were nearly in powdered form, and when they were taken in the hands, they [i.e., the hands] began to smart as if from lye. Likewise it smelled with the odor of just this stuff. The projectile, which had a northeasterly direction, was accompanied by a luminous tail of 40-50 meters.

Many kilos of slag from the thing.

The summer guests in Norrvikssand began at once to gather upthe pieces in bags, and it tuned out in the end to be many kilos of slag of various colors. A part of the collected pieces brings to mind burnt bits of metal. Ten meters from the fall your correspondent found, on searching and Norrvikssand on Wednesday, a burnt-brown object with a hollow cylinder. In color and consistency this object was like most of the other objects turned up. The cylinder had a diameter of about 25-30 millimeters. The military authorities later took over the find.

Paper of film fragment with squares.

Tests on the remnants of the projectile were referred on Wednesday to Dr. Bucklund at the Cellulosabolagets investigation-al laboratory in Kubikenborg, and he has undertaken an analysis of them. Dr. Backlund's first analysis of the small sample has had a sensational result. [At first] he gathered a bit of gray-white loose material under the microscope from [a piece] of paper or film fragment, which appeared to be divided up into squares something like a [checkers] or chess board. The paper or film coating was only about a quarter-millimters in surface. That the material in question was not of any celestial porigin we can establish at once, said Dr. Backlund. It was, on the contrary, as earthly as anything you could ask for. The other tests require more time to analyze. It is a hard-fallen object but yet seems to contain coal particles. What else can be found will be seen when the analysis is completed.

Many mysterious projectiles observed in Dalarna.

BORLANGE, Wednesday (SvD's corresp.). A Couple of meteor falls took place on Tuesday in Dalarna, one in Soderbarke and one in Mockfjard. On Tuesday afternoon a wife in Huggnora was busy washing on the shore of Lake Barken. Then she saw a falling object, which came at great speed from the northeast. It was changing blue and green in color and had a long tail after it. It tumbled into the lake at about 1OO meters distance from the observer at Hedudden outside Sorbo. At this time a strong wind was feared, [blast?], [yet no sound proceeding from the meteor could be perceived]. The water is quite deep at the place of the fall.

At almost the same time, at half past three in the afternoon, it was a young man in Mockfjard observed a silver-colored star which with great speed and with a whistling sound neared the ground. It fell down about 15O meters from the young man and [in fact] the meteor developed an intense light, which blinded the observer. For that reason the young man cannot state any exact point for the impact, but it must have happened on Mt. Landholm. A strong smell of [something] burnt remained behind over the place for a quarter hour's time. The terrain is covered with heather and moss, and is located in a good-[sized] hollow.

Comet-like object seen in Varmland.

KARLSTAD, Wednesday (TT). In Hagfors in Varmland has a comet-like object been seen as well. At 14.35 o'clock on Tuesday the "projectile" came from the north in a steep dive toward Lake Ullen. At Ravberget it extinguished and a couple of meters over the surface of the water, but this does not preclude that it first hit the mountain, declare three.