Rocket projectiles have taken over the ghost flier's role

Morgon-Tidningen de Stockholm (Suède), p. 1,
s1Bartholomew, Robert: Magonia Exchange, 10 mai 2007

Vaxholm and Sundsvall saw mysterious space rockets.

Just after 14.30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon a couple of Vaxholm residents from the north side of Vaxon sighted a mysterious object, which with unheard-of speed came from up in empty space and after at most a couple of seconds disappeared behind the island in a southeasterly direction. The object, which appeared glowing white in color and in shape was oblong with a blunt nose, had after it a blue-white tail.

The same phenomenon was witnesses as well from Jarma station by a Bjorkass resident, who described the object as in shape like the glass flask in a thermos. The color was said to be silver white and the object was seen descending from an altitude high in an easterly direction.

A radio-guided projectile was observed, according to a Sundavall newspaper, on Tuesday over many places in Medelpad. The projectile, which went at a low height, passed shortly before 14.35 o'clock in a northeasterly direction toward the sea. It was described as a comet with a blue-white (sweeping) trail after it.

On MT's inquiry the defense staff stated that no Swedish investigation which might be able to clear up the observed phenomenon has been undertaken. The phenomenon is not unique. From many places lately reports have been made of similar "ghost fliers," but from where the observed projectiles--whose direction changes in every quarter--originate from, there is no knowledge.