Swears He Saw It

Telegraph de Macon (Georgia),
s1Clark, J. E.: "airship and occupant, Georgia, 1897", Magonia Exchange, 19 mars 2008

Policeman Davis Tells About the Air Ship.

The airship has at last been seen in Macon, and Policeman John Davis is the lucky man.

Officer Davis was patrolling his beat night before last after the midnight hour, when he saw the ship come sailing over with a man in it. The moon was shining brightly, and Policeman Davis could plainly see the ship, which had a balloon-like attachment. He was so deeply impressed with what he saw that he hastened to his home, not far away, and aroused his family, but before they could dress and get out the ship had passed over the city and disappeared. Officer Davis says people may laugh and make light of the airship as much as they want to, but he is willing to stake his well known reputation for veracity on its being in existence.