Un autre vaisseau aérien

Gazette de Fort Wayne (Indiana),
s1Clark, J.: "airship, Ohio, Kentucky, 1897", Magonia Exchange, 8 août 2007

From Kentucky to Alaska in Ten Hours – Seen at Cincinnati.

CINCINNATI, May 8. – About 8 o'clock to-night what was supposed to be an air ship sped across this city from the southeast to the northwest at a great height and with incredible speed. It showed a brilliant light, and some who saw it are unable to describe its form, others say it was cigar shaped. It was observed by reputable citizens in East Walnut Hills, Mount Auburn and from the Esplande and other places in the city. Its speed was not less than 100 miles per hour. This is no fiction, some strange object passed over the city high in the air.

It is known at midnight that the air ship seen to-night went up from Newport, Ky., from the home of the inventor, who withholds his name. It was on a trial trip. If successful the inventor will be backed here.