Identity of "Airship"

The Milwaukee Sentinel de Milwaukee (Wisconsin),
s1Paijmans, Theo: "1897 - the identity of the airship", Magonia Exchange, 29 décembre 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

Astronomer at Lawrence Solves The Mystery.

The Star Betelguese In Constellation Orion.

The Position of the Light in the Heavens and the Hour of Its Setting Coincide With Those of Betelguese?Atmospheric Disturbances and Peculiar Light of the Star Explains the Bobbing Movements.

Appleton, Wis., April 12.?Arthur C. Lunn of Lawrence university watched the supposed airship carefully, last night, and, after calculation, has proven beyond a doubt that the supposed ship is the star Betelguese in the constellation Orion. There was some excitement on the streets, last night when a peculiar light was seen in the West. The light was no larger than a large star, but changed color from red to a piercing white, closely resembling an electric search light at several miles' distance. What was even more peculiar the "airship" seemd to bob up and down with at times a lateral motion. When still some degrees above the horizon, it disappeared, reappearing again in an instant, and finally became invisible. Students of Lawrence ...