They Saw The Airship

The Milwaukee Sentinel de Milwaukee (Wisconsin),
s1Paijmans, Theo: "1897 - they saw the airship", Magonia Exchange, 29 décembre 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

Veracious Men Testify To The Fact.

Eminent Green Bay Citizens Willing to Make Oath.

A Lonely Guard at the Milwaukee House of Correction Also Discovers the Traveler in the Heavens and People Who Didn't Go to Bed Early Are Soon Able to Corroborate the Fact.

The airship which, it is said, was seen by people in Chicago Friday night, moving in the direction of Milwaukee, made its appearance in Northern Wisconsin last night, if people who say they saw it can be credited. Such reputable men as Judge S. D. Hastings, Jr., and N. E. Kellogg of Green Bay are reported in a dispatch to The Sentinel from that city, last night, as having seen the ship at 10 o'clock southeast of Green Bay, and going in a southerly direction. A red light was indistinctly seen, as well as the outlines of the framework. From a southeasterly course the ship was noticed to change suddenly to the northeast, when it disappeared toward Lake Michigan.

Reports come from Manitowoc that the ship was also seen there about a mile and a half southeast and going rapidly in a northeasterly direction. Milwaukee seems to be slighted. The airship has now been reported both north and south of this city, which it seems to have avoided.

The following dispatch was received by the Sentinel from Marshfield:

"Hundreds of people filled the streets to-night to see the famous airship. It appeared just after sundown rising like a huge meteor. It seemed to assume different colors, and moved at good speed. It was about five miles west and did not present the red color until sinking far in the northwest. With a glass it showed up cone shape with a bright headlight. It is supposed it was anchored in the dense woods south of town all day and early evening. It will probably reach the Minnesota border by Sunday, unless its course is changed."

Here is the report from Green Bay:

Green Bay, Wis., April 10.?Residents of this city are intensely excited over the appearance, to-night, of what is supposed to be the airship which has been seen near Chicago and elsewhere. Many prominent people of the city saw it distinctly among them being Attorney H. O. Fairchild, Clerk E. J. Carroll of the Hotel Straubel, and many other citizens whose veracity is beyond question. It was first seen high up in the heavens, the light shown being of a reddish color, and larger than a star. It descended and then moved rapidly to the northward, passing to the eastward and disappearing behind the horizon.

News of its appearance spread radidly over the city, and it was watched by many people. Night glasses were used by several to observe its movements. Those who saw it through them say that two smaller lights could be seen below and on each side of the large light. Several claimed that a large cigar-shaped body could be seen projecting back out of the large light, which was on the forward end of the machine. There is no doubt that the light was seen, and that it could not have been a star. It was distinctly red in color, and flickered more than a star. Its movement through the sky was rapid. It first appeared at 10 o'clock, and was visible for half an hour.

Early this morning The Sentinel began to receive reports that the airship was clearly visible in the northern sky. A lonely guard at the House of Correction was the first discoverer, and he at once telephoned the news to The Sentinel. Half an hour later loiterers about the hotels and belated individuals at various down-town resorts were discussing the discovery and commenting on the phenomenon, which was plainly distinguishable by all.

"It is the airship, sure," said some one.

"No mistake about it," replied his companion.

That appeared to be the general verdict until The Sentinel astronomer, from a ninth-story at the "ship," declared that it wasn't an airship at all, even if Judge Hastings and other distinguished citizens of Green Bay thought it was. He admitted that it looked a little as if it might be an airship and he said that it apparently moved very rapidly. It was very bright and it had an appearance of elongation that made it look different from other stars?but it certainly wasn't an airship. It may be as Prof. Hough of Northwestern university has informed Chicago people, that it is "Alpha Orionis," a star of first magnitude, which is a fast traveler and gives out a colored light.