Armée dans le ciel (St. Joseph Herald)

St. Joseph Herald de Saint Joseph (Michigan),
s1Daniel Guenther: Magonia Exchange, 2007-03-15
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

Le soir du jeudi 1er décembre, the good people residing in the vicinity of Nashville, Barry county, were very much surprised by strange sights and "great signs in the heavens" About 10 o'clock on that evening, there appeared to be in the clouds a large body of armed soldiers, dressed in black and apparently standing still, but were carried away by the advancing clouds. The persons who informed us of this singular apparition stated, these weird, mysterious warriors of the heavens appeared in as perfect a military style and order as he had ever seen soldiers on parade while he was in the army. He watched these supernatural figures until one o'clock in the night, when they all disappeared in the west, having first made their appearance is in the east, and for three hours kept up their silent march to the west. The phenomenon was observed by the families of several different farmers who reside in the neighborhood. The moon at that time was mostly hidden by the clouds, but still gave out enough light to add all the more to the magical influence which seemed to surround everything at the time. The people of that neighborhood take it to be the prognostication of war, and have gone to prophesying and predicting terrible things.