A Remarkable Phenomenon (Staunton Spectator)

Staunton Spectator and General Advertiser de Staunton (Virginie), p. 3,
s1Jerome Clark, Magonia Exchange, 2003 < Daniel Guenther, Magonia Exchange, 2007-03-17
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

LEWISBURG, Sept. 15, 1863.

MR. MAULT :?I drop you a few hastly written lines, hoping they may not be altogether uninteresting to you and the readers of the "Spectator."

While great xxx wonderful events are occuring in our spiritual world, apparently strange things are going on in the physical world. But as we have no good Daniel, in these degenerate days, to tell us what they mean, every one must become his own interpreter. Whether what I am going to release is a good or a bad omen to the cause we are defending with all our energies, and which we all love so much ; whether it means peace or a longer continuance of this bloody struggle, or is a mere delusion, who can say ?

A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed a few miles west of this place, at the house of Mrs. Pearcy, on the first day of this month at about 8 o'clock, P. M., by Mr. Moses Dwyer, her neighbor, who happened to be seated in her porch at the time, as well as by others at or near the house.

The weather was quite hot and dry, not a cloud could be seen, no wind even raffled the foliage on the surrounding trees. All things being propitious, the grand panorama began to move. Just over and through the tops of the trees on the adjacent hills on the South, immense numbers of rolls resembling cotton or smoke, apparently of the size and shape of doors, seemed to be passing rapidly through the air, yet in beautiful order and regularity. The rolls seemed to be tinged on the edge with light green, so as to resemble a border or deep fringe. There were apparently thousands of them, and were, perhaps, an hour in getting by. After these had passed over and out of sight the scene was changed from the air above to the earth beneath, and became more intensely interesting to the spectators who were witnessing the panorama from different stand points. In the deep valley beneath, thousands upon thousands of (apparently) human beings (men) came in view traveling in the same direction of the rolls, marching in good order, some thirty or forty in depth, moving rapidly?"double quick"?and commenced ascending the sides of the alomost insurmountable hills opposite, and had the stoop peculiar to men when they ascend a steep mountain. There seemed to be great variety in the size of the men, some were very large whilst others were quite small. Their arms, legs, and heads could be distinctly seen in motion. They seemed to observe strict military discipline, and there were no stragglers.

There was uniformity of dress, loose white blouses or shirts, with white pants, wore hats, and were without guns, swords, or anything that indicated "men of war." On they came through the valley and over the steep hill crossing the road, and finally passing out of sight, in a direction due north from those who were looking on.

The gentleman who witnessed this is a man with whom you were once acquainted, Mr. Editor, and as truthful a man as we have in this country, and as little hable to be carried away by "fanciful speculations" as any man living. Four others (repectable ladies) and a servant girl witnessed this strange phenomenon. W.

P. S.?On the 14th inst. the same scene, almost identical, was seen by eight or ten of our pickets at Banger's Mill, and by many of the citizens in that neighborhood ; this is about four miles east of Pearcy's. It was about one hour passing.