Celestial Phenomenon (New York Times)

The New York Times,
s1Chris Aubeck, Magonia Exchange, 25 mars 2007
L'article d'origine
L'article d'origine

A correspondent of the National Intelligencer describes a phenomenon witnessed in Washington : On Thursday last, the 21st July, at half past nine o'clock, P. M., a remarkable phenomenon was noticed by several persons in this city. Attention was first drawn to a light not like that of a flash of lightning, but increasing by degrees, though rapidly in intensity, suggesting the idea of a piece of firework. The whole lasted but for two or three seconds, and yet was sufficient to render all objects distinctly visible as if the full moon were rising ; but the light was of a bluish tint and softened by the masse of clouds which covered the heavens at that moment. Those who were placed facing the north saw only the illumoination of surrounding objects ; but on turning southward the light shining through the coulds was distinctly seen. In all probability this was a meteor passing from west to east or from east to west. The object of inserting this notice is to draw attention to the fact in order that observations at distant points may be obtained. If any such have been made they should be transmitted to the Secretary of the Simthsonian Institution, for, from data so furnished, the direction and velocity of the meteor may be approximately obtained, although the body itself was not seen.