Long John Nebel

le , il reçoit dans The Long John Nebel Show sur WOR George VanTassel qui décrit la soucoupe volante qu'il a empruntée. Il dit que les occupants de la soucoupe ressemblent à des "shmoos," avec 32 yeux autour de la tête. Il a auparavant envoyé la prédiction d'un "survol de soucoupes" au-dessus de Washington (D.C.) par courrier avec accusé de réception au Pentagone, Life et The Los Angeles Examiner. Le courrier aurait cependant été "supprimé". Une discussion sur comment "prouver" que les soucoupes volantes existent. Van Tassel déclare avoir une machine à rajeûnir, qu'elle aurait été utilisée par Mathusalem, qui aurait été un vénusien. Il ajoute que le président Eisenhower a rencontré les occupants d'une soucoupe volante. Nebel, Hans Stefan Santeson (Editorial Director of "Fantastic Universe" magazine), George Van Tassel, Dan Fry (author of "White Sands incident"), Jules St. Germaine (attorney from Lynbrook, New York), Ted Bloucher (director of "Civilian Saucer Intelligence").

en , il reçoit dans The Long John Nebel Show sur WOR (New York) Andy Sinatra ("The Mystic Barber"). Nebel ne peut s'empêcher de rire de manière continue. M. Cook describes his experiments in astral projection. Paulina Peavey goes into a trance on the program, allowing "people" from flying saucers to answer questions. Mr. Sinatra sounds like a kook at the beginning of the program, but after several hours, one is tempted to feel sorry for him. Nebel, Andy Sinatra, David Bell, Charles Leedham (radio and television producer), Charles Wildes (of "The Association To Advance Ethical Hypnosis"), John Cook (of "The Association To Advance Ethical Hypnosis"), Paulina Peavey, Mrs. Andy Sinatra. 4:22:00. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

66145. The Long John Nebel Show. February 5, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. A discussion about flying saucers. Arthur C. Clarke says "It's only a matter of time until we're visited." "Vistors have been here countless times, but have not been here during the past century." The discussion ranges from Sputnik to artificial satellites, space stations, l'Atlantide et l'anti-gravité. M. Leedham is accused of being a Venusian, he does admit to coming from Jupiter! The program is referred to by Long John as "The Party Line." The program ran five and a half hours each weekday, plus wekends (for a total of 37.5 hours per week), but contained lengthy commercials and "coffee breaks" in which segments and portions of previous programs were repeated. Long John Nebel, Cortlandt Hastings, Charles Leedham, Wayne Aho, Arthur C. Clarke. 2:53:28. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

66167. The Long John Nebel Show. March 7, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. Flying saucers are debated and discussed in detail. The "Daroes" are also discussed. The "Daroes" live at the center of the Earth and are visited by elevators in three U. S. cities. Long John Nebel, Arthur Aho, Dominic Luchezzi (?), Arthur Mosely (editor of "Saucer News"), Bill Cantor (publicist), Morris Paley (a sergeant with the Perth Amboy police department). 2:02:27. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

75465. The Long John Nebel Show. le . WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. The date above is that of the original broadcast. This recording is from a later taped rebroadcast. Long John describes Major Donald E. Keyhoe appearance on "The Armstrong Circle Theatre" (see cat. #75464 for an interview by Mike Wallace of Major Keyhoe that took place two days previously). Major Keyhoe was cut off the air during the "Armstrong" program for deviating from the prepared script. Long John plays a taped telephone conversation with Irve Tunikc (who wrote the "Armstrong" script). A recording is also played of a telephone conversation with Kenneth Arnold, who had refused to appear on the "Armstrong" program (and who coined the phrase "Flying Saucers"). A portion of the same program or one possibly broadcast at the same time or from the rebroadcast, is later heard. Long John Nebel ,Irve Tunick, Donald Keyhoe, Ivan Sanderson (naturaliste, auteur d'un article sur les "soucoupes volantes"), Tommy Reynolds (producer), Kenneth Arnold, Cortlandt Hastings, Charles Leedham (radio and television producer), Jules St. Germaine (attorney). 1:51:10. Audio condition: Good. Incomplete.

66192. The Long John Nebel Show. April 19, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. Long John's guest is Otis T. Carr, who has invented a flying saucer and is offering it for sale for $20 million dollars. Mr. Carr defends the principles behind his craft. It will allow him to travel to the moon in just five hours. Long John Nebel , Otis T. Carr, Norman Colton (Mr. Carr's business partner), Mel Shironey (advertising executive), Ben Isquith (cybernetician), David Bell, Roy Benson. 2:59:42. Audio condition: Fair to good. Incomplete.

75463. The Long John Nebel Show. May 8, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. A discussion about Ray Palmer, editor of "Amazing Stories" and the Deroes, people who live under the earth. Gray Barker is heard by telephone from West Virginia. Otis T. Carr's "Flying Saucer" is also discussed. The alphabet of "the first language on earth" is recited in its entirety; it's the language of the Titans! Long John reads a news bulletin about a flying saucer sighting in Oklahoma. Long John Nebel, Dominic Luchezzi, Augie Roberts, Gray Barker (author of "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers"), Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Al Nealson (engineer). 2:30:29. Audio condition: Good to very good. Incomplete.

66146. The Long John Nebel Show. May 30, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. John and his friends question Bob Ewing of Edgewater, Florida, who claims to be the ambassador representing the interests of the planet Venus. Ambassador Ewing is questioned in detail about the Venusians. He states that the Venusians predict that the United States will land a man on the moon in 1958. Long John Nebel, Ellery Lanier (of Fantastic Science Fiction magazine), Sam Vandivert (photographer), Lillian Lanier, Ben Isquith, Bob Ewing. 3:08:36. Audio condition: Good to very good. Incomplete.

66202. The Long John Nebel Show. July 11, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. The program's main guests are Otis T. Carr, president of O. T. C. Enterprises (manufacturer of flying saucers), and Margaret Storm (author of "Return Of The Dove," a book about Nikola Tesla). Mr. Carr claims to have invented the "Ultron Atomic Accumulator," an "electrified system of space travel." Ms. Storm claims that Tesla was born on Venus and designed a radio capable of interplanetary communication in 1938! She also claims that Venus is not really a part of the solar system! Mr. Carr claims to have been the disciple of Mr. Tesla (while he was working as a hotel clerk!), but cannot document this fact nor display any scientific knowledge. Long John Nebel, Otis T. Carr, Margaret Storm, Norman Colton (sales engineer for O. T. C. Enterprises), Charles Leedham (author, TV producer), Don Dunn ( Television Age magazine). 3:15:52. Audio condition: Good to very good. Incomplete.

66196. The Long John Nebel Show. le . WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. A discussion of "Man-Made U. F. O.'s." The panel discusses eyewitness accounts of flying suacers being assembled in Nazi Germany near the end of the war. An interesting and erudite discussion, far different from the usual crackpots. Are the passengers in flying saucers (if they exist), really Russians? Lester del Rey (science fiction author), Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Hans Stefan Santeson (editor of "Fantasic Universe" magazine), Ben Ahman (Swedish journalist and U. N. representative), Vyacheslav Vawalischin (former army officer of the USSR), Jim Runyon (translator), Long John Nebel, Ivan Sanderson (auteur d'un article dans le magazine Fantastic Universe sur les ovnis). 3:16:26. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

75467. The Long John Nebel Show. September 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. A discussion of U. F. O.'s and "Flying Saucers." Dan Fry describes his trip in a "Flying Saucer," traveling from White Sands, New Mexico to New York City. His adventure is described in great detail, taking more than the thirty-two minutes than the flight took (the description takes fifty-five minutes). Dan Fry is then closely questioned by the panel. the date is approximate. Long John Nebel, Lester del Rey (science fiction author), Dan Fry, Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Cortlandt Hastings, Ellery Lanier. 3:04:54. Audio condition: Good. Incomplete.

75466. The Long John Nebel Show. September 15, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. A program about the recent "Flying Saucer Convention" at the farm of Howard Menger in New Jersey, held September 13, 1958. Tapes made at the "The First Annual East Coast Interplanetary Convention" are played. Many interviews are heard, including William Gifford, who is recording sounds from outer space (in stereo). A man who had seen a U. F. O. describes his sighting. A woman describes herself as a "night nurse in a mental instituion." The date is approximate. Long John Nebel , Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Ellery Lanier, Lillian Lanier, William Gifford. 3:20:20. Audio condition: Fair. Incomplete.

66203. The Long John Nebel Show. le . WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. Ivan T. SandersonIvan T. Sanderson (zoologue) dit qu'il pourrait y avoir des visiteurs d'autres planètes sur Terre. Suit une discussion de métallurgie, géologie, cartographie et archéologie. Le panel discute Flying Saucers and The Straight Line Mystery de Isabel Davis (rédactrice-en-chef du CSI). See cat. #66210, which is a program with the same date but might be a different broadcast. Isabel L. DavisIsabel L. Davis, Hans Stefan Santeson (editor of "Fantastic Universe" magazine), Lester del Rey (science fiction author), Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Long John Nebel, Ivan T. SandersonIvan T. Sanderson. 4:07:21. Audio condition: Good. Incomplete.

66210. The Long John Nebel Show. le . WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. The main guest is Charles Hapgood, author of "Earth's Shifting Crusts." A discussion that includes the possibility of the moon originating from the Pacific ocean and a debate about the statements of Charles Fort, dealing with the line on the equator where the centrifigal force of the Earth nullifies the force of gravity! Possibilities of Atlantis are discussed as well. See cat. #66203 which is a program with the same date but might be a different broadcast. Ellery Lanier (science fiction editor of "Fantastic" magazine), Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Ivan T. SandersonIvan T. Sanderson (zoologue), David Bell, Long John Nebel , Charles Hapgood. 1:39:00. Audio condition: Fair to good. Incomplete.

75468. The Long John Nebel Show. November 15, 1958. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. Otis T. Carr and Norman Colton of "OTC Enterprises" announce and then describe their plans to depart for the moon on December 7, 1959. They are questioned in detail about their plans. Mr. Carr is fascinating to hear; he has an answer to every objection. One of the telegrams read on the air is from Al Lottman (who later became a regular panelist on the show). Long John Nebel, Otis T. Carr, Norman Colton, Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Ellery Lanier, Lester del Rey (science fiction author), Sam van der Voort, Dave Field. 4:27:24. Audio condition: Good. Incomplete.

75475. The Long John Nebel Show. November 16, 1958. WOR, New York. Sponsored by: Commercials deleted. Frank EdwardsFrank Edwards (the News Director of WTTV-TV, Indianapolis) describes a "gigantic cigar shaped thing" he saw in the sky above Alamagordo, New Mexico. Jackie Gleason appears on the program by telephone. He is quite knowledgeable about "Flying Saucers" and is harsh in his condemnation of people who believe in them. Gray Barker, publisher of "The Saucerian Bulletin" and author of "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers," speaks by phone from West Virginia. Long John Nebel, Frank EdwardsFrank Edwards, Gray BarkerGray Roscoe Barker, Jackie Gleason. 1:06:17. Audio condition: Fair to good. Incomplete.

66212. The Long John Nebel Show. January 1959. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. Guest Jim Mosely (of Saucer News) talks about his recent trip to Peru and the important archeological find he made there. The date is approximate. Long John Nebel, Jim Mosely, Isabel Davis (of "Civilian Saucer Intelligence"), Doug Dean (described as a "performer"), Warren Ipack (? a sportswriter for the New York Journal American). 3:15:00. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

66213. The Long John Nebel Show. April 17, 1959. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. The program was recorded on the above date in Oklahoma City. It was broadcast in New York a short period later. While enroute to Oklahoma City, Long John asks the captain of his TWA plane if he's ever seen a flying saucer (he had). The six foot model of the O. T. C. X-1 Circular Craft (flying saucer) is to fly in just a few days. Otis T. Carr is interviewed while in his bed in Mercy Hospital, with a hemorhagging lung. Carr claims that the craft will be assembled and ready to fly by tomorrow...maybe. Anna Howard is interviewed about the spaceship. She has previously teleported to Venus. Albert Guy (an indian) is interviewed at the launch attempt. At the time of launch, a two and a half hour delay is announced and subsequently, the launch is cancelled. Norman Colton (sales engineer of O. T. C. Enterprises) explains why the launch did not take place. Anna Howard, Al Lottman, Ellery Lanier, Ben Isquith (cybernetician), Long John Nebel , Otis T. Carr, Calvin C. Zirzin (author of "The Night Has A Thousand Saucers"), Warren Ipack (? sportswriter for the New York Journal American), Albert Guy. 2:54:33. Audio condition: Fair. Incomplete.

66284. The Long John Nebel Show. May 1959. WOR, New York. Commercials deleted. This program was broadcast about one week after the failure of Otis T. Carr's O. T. C. X-1 Flying Saucer Craft to get off the ground. After defending Mr. Carr and his claims, Margaret Storm (author of "Return Of The Dove," a book about Nicola Tesla) claims that Tesla had perfected the wireless transmission of power and thought control! He also invented a communications device for speaking with spaceships via cosmic waves! Her book claims that Tesla was a Venusian and that Tesla himself was born aboard a spaceship! She then describes the Tesla anti-war machine. Long John Nebel , Ellery Lanier (science fiction editor of "Fantastic" magazine), Eden Gray (? a sportswriter for the New York Journal-American), Margaret Storm. 3:05:55. Audio condition: Good. Incomplete.

70088. The Long John Nebel Show. August 5, 1965. WNBC, New York. Commercials deleted. Long John introduces Billy Rose, who gives what was to be his last interview (he died February 10, 1966). Mr. Rose was a famous producer, song writer, columnist, author, nightclub owner, and shorthand champion. Rose tells stories about his speculations in the stock market (he was a multi-millionaire and the largest A. T. and T. shareholder) and how he became a famous song writer. He claims to have written the first singing commercial, "Does Your Spearmint Lose Its Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight." Mr. Rose tells absolutely priceless stories about his wife, Fanny Brice, President Johnson and the war in Vietnam (he makes inaccurate predictions), "Freedomland", his art collection and many other topics. According to Long John's biographer (Donald Bain), Long John considered this to be his "best show." Long John Nebel , Billy Rose, Norman Gruenfelder (engineer), Howard Bayha (director). 3:49:55. Audio condition: Very good to excellent. Incomplete.

75477. The Long John Nebel Show. 1967. WNBC, New York. Commercials deleted. Memories of old-time radio. Was The Lone Ranger Jewish? What was his first name? The date is approximate. Long John Nebel, Jim Harmon (author of "The Great Radio Heroes"), Judy Teller, Sanford Teller (public relations consultant), John Powers (engineer), Leonard Sloan, Anna Marie Goetz (co-ordinator). 2:31:30. Audio condition: Very good. Incomplete.

75476. The Long John Nebel Show. October 1967. WNBC, New York. Commercials deleted. Long John interviews Richard Lamparski, author of "Whatever Became Of..." Long John tells a long story about Will Oakland and monopolizes the conversation. Lamparski tells interesting stories about Father Coughlin. Long John Nebel , Richard Lamparski, Roy Schaap, Danny Crystal, Robert Frankel, John Powers (engineer), Howard Bayah (director), Anna Marie Goetz (co-ordinator). 2:30:30. Audio condition: Good to very good. Incomplete.